Closed CharlesIrvineKC closed 2 months ago
Are you using a Fly Volume to store the cubdb file?
No, not unless I'm doing it by accident, since I don't know what a Fly Volume is. I just create the database with:
I just do this:
@doc false
def init(_init_arg) do
{:ok, user_task_db} = CubDB.start_link(data_dir: "database/user_task_db")
{:ok, completed_process_db} = CubDB.start_link(data_dir: "database/completed_process_db")
{:ok, process_model_db} = CubDB.start_link(data_dir: "database/process_model_db")
{:ok, bpm_application_db} = CubDB.start_link(data_dir: "database/bpm_application_db")
{:ok, process_state_db} = CubDB.start_link(data_dir: "database/process_state_db")
initial_state = %{
active_process_groups: %{},
active_processes: %{},
restart_state_cache: %{},
user_task_db: user_task_db,
completed_process_db: completed_process_db,
process_model_db: process_model_db,
bpm_application_db: bpm_application_db,
process_state_db: process_state_db
}"Process service initialized")
{:ok, initial_state}
FYI - I just now figured out how to get a shell prompt on my server.
I can see now from my fly shell prompt, that the database files are being reset to empty on each restart. Specifically, I do an "ls" and the file size of 0.cub goes back to a size of 1038 on each restart.
I just followed your link to "Fly Volume". I gather that is my problem, i.e. that I am not using Fly Volumes. Correct?
Thanks for the tip. I've been trying to do this, but without any luck so far.
First, I created a volume like this:
fly volumes create database
Then in my fly.toml file, I added:
source = "database"
destination = '/app/database'
The directory does get created it seems:
root@7811773f270e58:/app# ls
bin database erts-14.2.5 lib releases
However, I'm still losing my database contents on every restart. Hmmmm....
@CharlesIrvineKC I'm doing more or less the same with a Fly Volume + CubDB and it seems to work fine. The only obvious difference I'm seeing at first glance is I'm not mounting it inside the /app
directory. Could you check if mounting to /database
or something similar might help?
@optikfluffel Quick question. In your calls to CubDB.start_link/1, does your path start with a leading slash, or without, like this:
{:ok, user_task_db} = CubDB.start_link(data_dir: "database/user_task_db")
@CharlesIrvineKC I'm doing more or less the same with a Fly Volume + CubDB and it seems to work fine. The only obvious difference I'm seeing at first glance is I'm not mounting it inside the
directory. Could you check if mounting to/database
or something similar might help?
@CharlesIrvineKC with a leading slash, yes
Oh and another difference to your example came to mind, I start my CubDB as part of the Application Supervision Tree in application.ex
and not manually with CubDB.start_link
. But that shouldn't make a difference I guess.
@optikfluffel Would you mind showing me your application.ex?
@CharlesIrvineKC sure thing:
defmodule Fluffel.Application do
@moduledoc false
use Application
@impl Application
def start(_type, _args) do
if Application.get_env(:sentry, :environment_name) == :prod do
{:ok, _pid} = Logger.add_backend(Sentry.LoggerBackend)
children = [
# Start the Telemetry supervisor
# Start the PubSub system
{Phoenix.PubSub, name: Fluffel.PubSub},
# Start CubDB
{CubDB, data_dir: "/metrics_data", auto_compact: true, name: :db},
# Start Metrics Supervisor
# Start the Endpoint (http/https)
# See
# for other strategies and supported options
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Fluffel.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
# Tell Phoenix to update the endpoint configuration
# whenever the application is updated.
@impl Application
def config_change(changed, _new, removed) do
FluffelWeb.Endpoint.config_change(changed, removed)
and the mounts part from my fly.toml
source = "metrics_data_volume"
destination = "/metrics_data"
I was able to resolve this.
I am deploying my Phoenix app to On either a new deployment or even a restart, I seem to be losing all of the contents in my CubDB databases (I have several of them). I'm pretty new to, so I don't know how to provide anymore info at this point. Can you think of anything that might be causing this? I
The problem does not occur when I run my app locally.
I'll keep digging. Feel free to close the issue if you want.