Closed camillo777 closed 4 years ago
Hi @camillo777 , while MiniSearch expects strings, you can deal with array fields by specifying a custom field extractor that concatenates the array elements into a string (for example with a space):
const documents = [
{ id: 1, title: 'The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis', authors: ['Turing'] },
{ id: 2, title: 'Synthesis of the Elements in Stars', authors: ['Burbidge', 'Burbidge', 'Fowler', 'Hoyle'] }
const miniSearch = new MiniSearch({
fields: ['title', 'authors'],
// Custom extractField function that can deal with arrays
extractField: (document, fieldName) => {
if (Array.isArray(document[fieldName])) {
return document[fieldName].join(' ')
} else {
return document[fieldName]
//=> [{ id: 2, ... }]
// Find where authors contain both 'Fowler' and 'Hoyle':'Fowler Hoyle', { fields: ['authors'], combineWith: 'AND' })
//=> [{ id: 2, ... }]
I hope this solves your case.
I will close this issue, as I think my comment solves your case, but feel free to comment if it does not.
Answering your question more precisely, I edited my answer adding an example of matching documents where the array field contains "both A and B".
Does minisearch support also searching on array fields like a list of tags or a list of authors?
For example find where tags contains both "a and "b" values.