lucascbeyeler / zmbackup

A reliable software written in Shell Script to help you in your daily task to backup and restore mails and accounts from Zimbra Open Source Email Platform. Project in deprecation process. Please help me with Waddles.
GNU General Public License v3.0
144 stars 73 forks source link

Backup single account error #162

Open maximishchenko opened 3 years ago

maximishchenko commented 3 years ago

Hi. I am got an error, when try to backup single mailbox

[zimbra@mail bash]$ zmbackup -f -m -a /usr/local/lib/zmbackup/bash/ строка 100:,/\n/g: No such file or directory Nothing to do. Closing...

How can i make backup of single account or list of accounts?

killmasta93 commented 3 years ago

run this to backup only one email

zmbackup -f -a

maximishchenko commented 3 years ago

I still get the error

    [root@mail ~]# su zimbra
    [zimbra@mail root]$ zmbackup -f -a
    /usr/local/lib/zmbackup/bash/ string 100:,/\n/g: Access denied
    Nothing to do. Closing...
killmasta93 commented 3 years ago

can you show me output of

cat /etc/zmbackup/zmbackup.conf

maximishchenko commented 3 years ago

[root@mail ~]# cat /etc/zmbackup/zmbackup.conf ###############################################################################



This file is used to manage the behavior of the zmbackup. Please edit with

cautious this file. All the values are configured by the zmbackup_wizard, but

you can change them if you need, just avoid remove any parameter from this file.

To regenerate this file, just execute zmbackup_wizard again.

WARNING - There is a field called DEFAULT. This is not the default value of the

field. It's just a reminder if you forgot the original value of the field.


BACKUPUSER - Used to store the name of the account used by Zimbra server to start

and stop the service.

DEFAULT: zimbra


WORKDIR - Used to store the backups and where the sessions.txt will be saved.

The directory must have as owner the same value as BACKUPUSER.

DEFAULT: /opt/zimbra/backup


LDAPSERVER - This is the address where you stored Zimbra's LDAP server in your




LDAPADMIN - This is where you inform the ldap admin account to backup and restore

accounts, alias, and distribution lists entries.

DEFAULT: uid=zimbra,cn=admins,cn=zimbra


LDAPPASS - This is where you inform the ldap admin password to backup and restore

accounts, alias, and adistribuition lists entries.


LOGFILE - The path where zmbackup will save his logs. Don't confuse with sessions.txt.

Sessions.txt is hard coded stored in $WORKDIR.

DEFAULT: /opt/zimbra/log/zmbackup.log


ENABLE_EMAIL_NOTIFY - Enable or disable mail notification during a backup routine.


- all: Enable all the mail notification

- start: Enable only the start mail notification

- finish: Enable only the finish mail notification

- error: Enable only for error messages

- none: Disable mail notification



EMAIL_NOTIFY - After each zmbackup execution, going everything okay or not, a mail

is sended to someone to inform that the process is concluded, and

show a report of each account backed up.

EMAIL_SENDER - Inform with which e-mail account Zmbackup should use to send the


DEFAULT: root@domain


MAX_PARALLEL_PROCESS - Here you define how many process zmbackup will use to complete

its tasks. If you want to keep as single thread, configure

this field with the value 1.



ROTATE_TIME - Here you define how many days zmbackup must keep in their archives.

This value affect full, incremental, alias and distribution list backups.



LOCK_BACKUP - Here you define if zmbackup should lock the backup session for only one

for each day for each option.



SESSION_TYPE - This option define the default place where zmbackup should store the

information of each session. Valid values can be TXT - for session.txt

- or SQLITE3 - for SQLite3 driver.



BACKUP_INACTIVE_ACCOUNTS - Enable this option to Zmbackup backup disabled accounts too.



SSL_ENABLE - Enable SSL communication between Zmbackup and your Zimbra Server.



ZMMAILBOX - Location for the zmmailbox binary.

DEFAULT: /opt/zimbra/bin/zmmailbox

killmasta93 commented 3 years ago

could you reinstall zmbackup

first uninstall it

running the script with -r

apt-get install cifs-utils
apt-get install parallel wget httpie sqlite3
git clone -b 1.2-3
 cd zmbackup

You will get a certain of questions answer the following

Inform Zimbra's defaut user - DEFAULT [zimbra]:

Inform Zimbra's defaut install path - DEFAULT [/opt/zimbra]:

Inform the path Zmbackup will use to store - DEFAULT [/opt/zimbra/backup]:

Inform the account to receive all Zmbackup's alerts - DEFAULT [admin@xxxx:

Inform Zmbackup's number of threads - DEFAULT [3]:

Inform the number of days Zmbackup should store the backups - DEFAULT [30]:

Zmbackup should limit backups for one per day? - DEFAULT [true]:false

Where you want to store Zmbackup's sessions? TXT or SQLITE3 - DEFAULT [TXT]:

Inform a password for zmbackup user - DEFAULT [OTx]:
cvdgenugten commented 3 years ago

Same here..

zimbra@postoffice:~$ zmbackup -i -a /usr/local/lib/zmbackup/bash/ line 100:,/\n/g: No such file or directory Nothing to do. Closing.

cvdgenugten commented 3 years ago

on line 100 the script itirates through $4//,/\n/g in variable $i to add them to file $TEMPACCOUNT. However, it crashes on the $4//,/\n/g.

GNU bash, version 4.4.20(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) In my case, is used, and bash is trying to RUN on line 100: $(",/\n/g")

which doesn't make sense.. zimbra@postoffice:~$ $(",/\n/g") bash:,/\n/g: No such file or directory

cvdgenugten commented 3 years ago

Are you trying to search and replace comma's for newlines by any chance? This does not seem to work in bash 4.4.20 in your script. Can you rewrite?

cvdgenugten commented 3 years ago

assuming you wish to replace comma's for newlines by any chance, the following should work in bash:

100 #    for i in $("$4//,/\n/g"); do
101      for i in $( echo $4 | sed 's/,/ /g' ); do
102       echo $i
103       echo "$i" >> "$TEMPACCOUNT"
104     done
thiagolinhares commented 2 years ago

for i in $( echo $4 | sed 's/,/ /g' ); do

Tried your approach and worked for me too. Bash version: GNU bash, version 4.2.46(2)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu)

I wonder if you could submit a PR so maintainer could update this?

thiagowarwick commented 2 years ago

Same here.. help, please.

zimbra@mail:/usr/local/lib/zmbackup/bash$ zmbackup -f -a /usr/local/lib/zmbackup/bash/ line 100:,/\n/g: No such file or directory Nothing to do. Closing...

cvdgenugten commented 2 years ago

@thiagowarwick I don't think the maintainer is responding to this issue, at least I haven't seen him here. If you edit /usr/local/lib/zmbackup/bash/ and change line 100 from: for i in $("$4//,/\n/g"); do to: for i in $( echo $4 | sed 's/,/ /g' ); do all should work. I've been using this in production for some time now, restoration of single mailboxes works fine, no issues after this change.

thiagowarwick commented 2 years ago

@thiagowarwick Não acho que o mantenedor esteja respondendo a esse problema, pelo menos não o vi aqui. Se você editar /usr/local/lib/zmbackup/bash/ e alterar a linha 100 de: for i in $("$4//,/\n/g"); do para: for i in $( echo $4 | sed 's/,/ /g' ); do tudo deve funcionar. Estou usando isso em produção há algum tempo, a restauração de caixas de correio únicas funciona bem, sem problemas após essa alteração.

Thank's my friend. this worked for me! Congratulations!!!

cvdgenugten commented 2 years ago

haha, I didn't know I wrote that in Portuguese ;)

Prazer & boa sorte, Tchau!

tofuSCHNITZEL commented 2 years ago

this is fixed here: