lucasfelipecdm / uareu-node

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How to import existing fingerprint data? #2

Open starsoccer opened 4 years ago

starsoccer commented 4 years ago


I was looking at using this library for a project I am working on but one of the issues Im having is taking fingerprint data I get from the digitalpersona javascript SDK and importing it and having it read by this library.

Are there any examples of how to do this?

lucasfelipecdm commented 4 years ago

Hi @starsoccer, how are you?

One of the possibilities to solve your issue is save the data generated by the javascript SDK in a RAW format, then you can use the library function "dpfjCreateFmdFromRaw" to create a FMD from the RAW image, finally you can use the returned data, to identify, compare, save in database, etc... as a normal FMD.

But, this function "dpfjCreateFmdFromRaw" is not yet implemented, cause I don't test the RAW image convert, I'll work on it today, and then I can post a example for you.

starsoccer commented 4 years ago

hi @lucasfelipecdm

Thanks, but my understanding from reading the DP docs was that I first should create and store a matching template by running create enrollment fmd. Once I have the enrollment fmd I then need to store that and then use that to match against.

The documentation also says that "Importer.ImportFmd" should be used for importing non raw format so I think this would have to be added to support non raw formats, but perhaps I am misunderstanding.

lucasfelipecdm commented 4 years ago

Oh, I didn't find that part of the documentation that talks about import fmd, can you send me a print or the number of the page?

About the flow of enrollment, match and store data, I used this in my projects:

So, using my flow as a base, what we would do in your process (I think), is to save the RAW generated by the reader, using the functions of the JavaScript javascript, start reader, capture image, etc ... And then use the create fmd from raw function of uareu-node library.

Do you think this can work?

starsoccer commented 4 years ago

I am looking at the document on their website here

On the bottom of page 47 it says how to use intermediate format with the Importer.ImportFmd and gives examples for java and .net but not C.

I just think because the RAW format is very big its not ideal to store that but maybe Im wrong.

lucasfelipecdm commented 4 years ago

Oh yes, I saw, so you are right, the better thing to do is store the FMD, and not the RAW.

Could you explain a little bit about your project?

starsoccer commented 4 years ago

Yeah thats my understanding.

To be honest I dont really have an intended project/use case in mind. I just have one of the sensors and have been interested to see how I could use this with javascript/node instead of C since I dont know it.

lucasfelipecdm commented 4 years ago

Okay, so I'm going to create an example of what I imagined and I believe that until Thursday I can post for us.

starsoccer commented 4 years ago

No problem no rush let me know if I can assist with anything.

starsoccer commented 4 years ago

Just following up on this

lucasfelipecdm commented 4 years ago

Oh, Hi @starsoccer, I don't forgot it, I'm finishing my graduation, and it's taking me a lot of time, and that's why I haven't been able to finish the example for you yet, but rest assured I will. hahaha

starsoccer commented 4 years ago

No problem not in a big rush will follow up in a few weeks

starsoccer commented 3 years ago

Any word on this?

starsoccer commented 3 years ago

Any word on this?

baybal commented 4 months ago

@lucasfelipecdm hello, is ImportFmd implemented now?