Hello, natively this could be accomplished by extending a generic intent request. Example code
val uri: Uri = Uri.parse("package:" + "com.filemonexample")
val fileManagerIntent = Intent("android.settings.MANAGE_APP_ALL_FILES_ACCESS_PERMISSION", uri)
startActivity(reactApplicationContext, fileManagerIntent, null)
Side note:
react-native@0.71.4 is missing this feature. However for Linking.sendIntent there is a open discussion here related to that issue.
Until that issue is resolved, we may want a PR (and new version) for this library.
Hello, natively this could be accomplished by extending a generic intent request. Example code
Side note:
react-native@0.71.4 is missing this feature. However for
there is a open discussion here related to that issue.Until that issue is resolved, we may want a PR (and new version) for this library.