lucasferreira / react-native-webview-android

Simple React Native Android module to use Android's WebView inside your app
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could not get permissions for recording React-native version 0.21.0 #54

Closed niranjanbprajapati closed 7 years ago

niranjanbprajapati commented 8 years ago

I have loaded a url which records sound using mobile microphone. I also had set permission settings which is required by android Marshmallow 6.0 using the

But when i load the url it gives error on website.

could not get permissions for recording.

Is there any properties i need to set in the webview to provide access for recording, as i have already provided access permissions in android manifest as provided in the above example.

# Update code for permission in the react-native and android :

React-native code

The following code i have inserted on the link click which will open the webiview with the respective import code for permissions component.

import {checkPermission} from 'react-native-android-permissions';
import {requestPermission} from 'react-native-android-permissions';

onMMSLinkClick(url) {
        console.log('mms link click url :: ', url);
        //console.log('this.props :: ',this.props);
        checkPermission("android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO").then((result) => {
            console.log("checkPermission Recording Already Granted!", result);
            //console.log('checkPermission Recording granted results :: ', result);
        }, (result) => {
            console.log("checkPermission Recording Not Granted!", result);
            //console.log('checkPermission Recording Not Granted results :: ', result);

        requestPermission("android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO").then((result) => {
            console.log("requestPermission Recording Granted!", result);
            // now you can set the listenner to watch the user geo location 
        }, (result) => {
            console.log("requestPermission Recording  Not Granted!",result);
            component: WebViewMMS,
            title: "MMS Practice",
            passProps: {

Android Code:

In settings.gradle file :

include ':RNWebView'
project(':RNWebView').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-webview-android/android')

include ':RNPermissionsModule'
project(':RNPermissionsModule').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-android-permissions/android')

In build.gradle file :

targetSdkVersion 23
compile project(':RNPermissionsModule')
compile project(':RNWebView')

In File:

import com.burnweb.rnwebview.RNWebViewPackage;
import com.burnweb.rnpermissions.RNPermissionsPackage;

    protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
        return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
            new MainReactPackage(),
            new RNPermissionsPackage(),
            new RNWebViewPackage(),

    public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults) {
        RNPermissionsPackage.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults); // very important event callback
        super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);

If you need any other code. Please let me know.

lucasferreira commented 8 years ago

Hi @niranjanbprajapati

Can you show a little more about how are dealing with permissions?

Did put them in AndroidManifest.xml also? The dialog of permission request are prompted?

Are you testing in a real device?

niranjanbprajapati commented 8 years ago

I am testing in real device Nexus 5, also get the dialog of permission access for the first time when the app is installed. I selected Allow in the dialog. I have inserted permission in Manifest file also.

What can i do to help you understand my issue. Please let me know.

niranjanbprajapati commented 8 years ago

@lucasferreira can you please help me out, any idea where i am going wrong, in implementation of this.

lucasferreira commented 8 years ago

Hi @niranjanbprajapati

Did you fix this issue?

I've recommend you to update your React Native install to the latest (next) and try the native PermissionsAndroid implementations

That can better them mine implementation ;)