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implement search #219

Closed lucasgonze closed 11 years ago

lucasgonze commented 11 years ago

We have the front end for search, but it isn't hooked up.

Not sure when I'll get the chance to actually do this.

lucasgonze commented 11 years ago

lucasgonze commented 11 years ago

Query will be something along these lines:

select media_url from media where to_tsvector('english', anchor||' '||description) @@ to_tsquery('english', 'hairosmith');
lucasgonze commented 11 years ago

No plans to optimize performance in this round of work. When I do get to that the key will be creating an index. More info for that time:

lucasgonze commented 11 years ago

This bug is now arguably fixed, since search has been implemented. Next up is to fine tune and test more thoroughly.