The feedback goes something like this. We still pick sources from app/assets/images, and always save the final files on app/assets/sprites.
$ bin/spriteful --rails
deprecated Deprecated sources found: 'app/assets/images/sprites/simple'.
Move them to 'app/assets/sprites'.
deprecated Sprites were previously saved at 'app/assets/stylesheets/sprites' and 'app/assets/images/sprites'. They are now at 'app/assets/sprites' instead.
optimizing No optimizer found. Please install at least one of the following: pngcrush, pngout, advpng, optipng, pngquant.
identical app/assets/sprites/simple.png
identical app/assets/sprites/simple.css.erb
Partial support for the #28 proposal.
The feedback goes something like this. We still pick sources from
, and always save the final files onapp/assets/sprites