I tried my best deleting the duplicate files you mentioned earlier. And I am making another pull request. Feel free to audit my code; I am open to making further changes and edits.
The built in documentation is created in the Plugin.gd script under the _init() function. It attached a Documentation viewer to the inspector tab which lists and explains the methods listed in an Algod node and the helper functions created in Algodot.gd
I made sure to separate Algodot.gd from main.gd so you can run your github actions and workflows.
I look forward to making further contributions to this project in the coming months and years.
I also included bash build scripts for android, linux and web assembly. Only the linux build works in my dev environment, rust compiler breaks with errors when compiling for other platforms. I would like to take time out to look through the original rusr source code at later dates and fix possible missing dependencies and compiler errors.
This PR is part of my Algorand Hackathon project to build a gaming DSL (Domain Specific Language). I feel I have completed my objective on that task and I eagerly look forward to implementing this Plugin in my own indie game and likewise building a test project demonstrating the simplicity of using it. Feel free to edit parts out that you don't like.
I tried my best deleting the duplicate files you mentioned earlier. And I am making another pull request. Feel free to audit my code; I am open to making further changes and edits. The built in documentation is created in the Plugin.gd script under the _init() function. It attached a Documentation viewer to the inspector tab which lists and explains the methods listed in an Algod node and the helper functions created in Algodot.gd
I made sure to separate Algodot.gd from main.gd so you can run your github actions and workflows. I look forward to making further contributions to this project in the coming months and years.
Observation: I also included bash build scripts for android, linux and web assembly. Only the linux build works in my dev environment, rust compiler breaks with errors when compiling for other platforms. I would like to take time out to look through the original rusr source code at later dates and fix possible missing dependencies and compiler errors.
Conclusion: This PR is part of my Algorand Hackathon project to build a gaming DSL (Domain Specific Language). I feel I have completed my objective on that task and I eagerly look forward to implementing this Plugin in my own indie game and likewise building a test project demonstrating the simplicity of using it. Feel free to edit parts out that you don't like.