lucasw / mcap_tools

mcap tools with initial emphasis on ros1 and rust using roslibrust
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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mcap record all ros1 topics, or matching subset #1

Closed lucasw closed 1 week ago

lucasw commented 1 month ago

Duplicate rosbag record but in rust and for mcap.

Need to poll or get updates when new topics appear.

How to even get a rostopic list? Does roslibrust expose anything through node handle?

The rosmaster api has interaction for getting lists of topics?

lucasw commented 1 month ago

rosbag record calls doCheckMaster once a second and uses ros::master::getTopics(topics) to get a current list of topics.

bool getTopics(V_TopicInfo& topics)
  XmlRpc::XmlRpcValue args, result, payload;
  args[0] = this_node::getName();
  args[1] = ""; //TODO: Fix this

  if (!execute("getPublishedTopics", args, result, payload, true))
    return false;

  for (int i = 0; i < payload.size(); i++)
    topics.push_back(TopicInfo(std::string(payload[i][0]), std::string(payload[i][1])));

  return true;

Fortunately that exists already in roslibrust master client get_published_topics:

MasterClient is a member in Node and those are in NodeHandle, so see if node_handle.node.master_client.get_published_topics() works - no inner (the node in node handle) is private

lucasw commented 1 month ago

Had to expose several things in roslibrust in order to be able to create a MasterClient on the outside

lucasw commented 1 month ago

Now how to subscribe without deserialization, just get a vector of bytes? If I could instantiate a normal subscriber then adding a next_raw() function would be easy, but can I turn string into a message type to create the subscriber in the first place?

(also once it is time to record into the mcap, I need to have the message definition- I think I can get that from roslibrust)

If there's a hashmap of all message type generated then could extract the definition, or supply the type to the subscriber

        impl ::roslibrust_codegen::RosMessageType for #struct_name {
            const ROS_TYPE_NAME: &'static str = #ros_type_name;
            const MD5SUM: &'static str = #md5sum;
            const DEFINITION: &'static str = #raw_message_definition;
lucasw commented 1 month ago

I think the building blocks are there in - the topic type ends up getting turn back into a string, and I think * for md5sum will match everything, leave msg_definition blank.

        let connection_header = ConnectionHeader {
            caller_id: node_name.to_string(),
            latching: false,
            md5sum: "*",
            topic: Some(topic_name.to_owned()),
            topic_type: topic_type.to_owned(),
            tcp_nodelay: false,
            service: None,

But in addition to a custom Subscription, there needs to be code in node/ to support it as well- add a register_subscriber_raw() or similar, and subscribe_raw() in node/

But can't just make a SubscriberAny type, it has to be Subscriber - maybe make a special T message that serde_rosmsg returns Vec bytes unchanged?

lucasw commented 1 month ago

Example of recording to mcap from ros in C++ (which has topic_tools::ShapeShifter for the generic message subscription)

lucasw commented 1 month ago

Try detecting if subscriber type is std_msgs ByteMultiArray and if so fill response with raw message bytes, and configure subscriber in first place with connection header information

lucasw commented 1 month ago





shared_ptr<ros::Subscriber> Recorder::subscribe(string const& topic) {
    ROS_INFO("Subscribing to %s", topic.c_str());

    ros::NodeHandle nh;
    shared_ptr<int> count(boost::make_shared<int>(options_.limit));
    shared_ptr<ros::Subscriber> sub(boost::make_shared<ros::Subscriber>());

    ros::SubscribeOptions ops;
    ops.topic = topic;
    ops.queue_size = 100;
    ops.md5sum = ros::message_traits::md5sum<topic_tools::ShapeShifter>();
    ops.datatype = ros::message_traits::datatype<topic_tools::ShapeShifter>();
    ops.helper = boost::make_shared<ros::SubscriptionCallbackHelperT<
        const ros::MessageEvent<topic_tools::ShapeShifter const> &> >(
            boost::bind(&Recorder::doQueue, this, boost::placeholders::_1, topic, sub, count));
    ops.transport_hints = options_.transport_hints;
    *sub = nh.subscribe(ops);


    return sub;

struct MD5Sum<topic_tools::ShapeShifter>
  static const char* value(const topic_tools::ShapeShifter& m) { return m.getMD5Sum().c_str(); }

  // Used statically, a shapeshifter appears to be of any type
  static const char* value() { return "*"; }

struct DataType<topic_tools::ShapeShifter>
  static const char* value(const topic_tools::ShapeShifter& m) { return m.getDataType().c_str(); }

  // Used statically, a shapeshifter appears to be of any type
  static const char* value() { return "*"; }

struct Definition<topic_tools::ShapeShifter>
  static const char* value(const topic_tools::ShapeShifter& m) { return m.getMessageDefinition().c_str(); }

} // namespace message_traits

lucasw commented 1 month ago

Receiving raw bytes is now working in and

But need to rebase roslibrust on latest changes to upstream roslibrust.

Next will need to get information out of the connection_header when writing messages to disk- can that be returned with each next_raw() call?

lucasw commented 1 month ago

Seeing an issue where next_raw() triggers several times on same message, specifically a marti_common_msgs Float64Stamped

lucasw commented 1 month ago

See this somewhat frequently under moderate load (e.g. 35 MB/s, 26% cpu), maybe the queue size needs to be larger:

2024-08-09T14:12:52.074Z ERROR [mcap_record] Err(Lagged(61))
2024-08-09T14:13:13.723Z ERROR [mcap_record] Err(Lagged(4))
2024-08-09T14:13:21.676Z ERROR [mcap_record] Err(Lagged(4))
2024-08-09T14:13:24.279Z ERROR [mcap_record] Err(Lagged(5))
2024-08-09T14:13:26.322Z ERROR [mcap_record] Err(Lagged(177))

The lagged if from next() Err(RecvError::Lagged(n)) => return Some(Err(SubscriberError::Lagged(n))),

rosbag record -a takes only 15% cpu on same dataset, though does have a rosbag record buffer exceeded. Dropping oldest queued message. occasionally with default buffer size.

Increasing the queue size in mcap_record does help. Need to run tokio console to learn more.

It could purely be a difference in compression costs?

rosbag record -a --bz2 takes 48% cpu rosbag record -a --lz4 taks 25-35% cpu, so mcap with default compression (zstd) + roslibrust wins, though lz4 takes less disk space

lucasw commented 1 month ago

Went down probably a wrong path in subscribe_any_next_fn, try again with a function created in subscribe_any or regular subscribe() that gets used in next()

lucasw commented 1 month ago

test roslibrust

ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=`rospack find std_msgs`:`rospack find geometry_msgs`:`rospack find sensor_msgs`:`rospack find std_srvs` cargo test --features ros1_test test_subscribe_any

but have to comment out example_package and example_package_macro?

Have to run roscore in background for the ros native integration tests.

Also this was working earlier, but now it never completes, times out after 60 seconds.

lucasw commented 4 weeks ago

This looks to exclude example_package

ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=`rospack find std_msgs`:`rospack find std_srvs` cargo test --release -p roslibrust  --features ros1_test _any -- --show-output

and it will run both publish and subscribe any tests

get debug logs

RUST_LOG=debug ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=`rospack find std_msgs`:`rospack find std_srvs` cargo test --release -p roslibrust  --features ros1_test subscribe_any -- --nocapture
lucasw commented 3 weeks ago

See missing messages when running mcap record currently, try making a standalone subscriber node or a roslibrust integration test with >1000 hz publishing.

rosbag play --delay 1.0 helps some, also polling the rosmaster more often for new topics, increasing queue sizes, but still not getting all of them.

lucasw commented 3 weeks ago

Additional experimentation with rosbag record -a shows it is also dropping about the same amount of messages, so not going to worry about this for now.

-> investigate later with mcap_intersection

lucasw commented 3 weeks ago

lucasw commented 2 weeks ago

Need to disable statistics when doing a rosbag play -> rosbag record / mcap_record test, or conversely enable statistics but remap any statistics topic when playing the source bag.

lucasw commented 2 weeks ago

I thought plotjuggler fully supported ros1 mcap, and it loads and plots them fine, but one feature that doesn't work is the ROS Topic Re-Publisher, I wonder if it gives up on any topic where it doesn't find an md5sum.

(rosbag stores the md5sum in the message)

The foxglove go code is using the md5sum in the conversion process only to handle the case where two different md5sums appear on the same topic (from different publishers presumably), but it doesn't actually write them to the mcap schema or channel.

rostopic echo needs the md5sum from the publisher

When I use I'm using roslib get_message_class() to look up the message and that gets the md5sum.

Does the anymsg published actually make it onto the wire, or never gets published? It does go onto the wire, because rostopic hz works with it.

lucasw commented 1 week ago

Now have playback working with md5sum generation (subscribe_any branch)