lucat1 / visimp

A simple and modular neovim config
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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warning #54

Closed kocierik closed 1 year ago

kocierik commented 1 year ago

when I start vim, this warning appears

fidget.nvim will soon be rewritten. Please checkout the 'legacy' tag to avoid breaking changes.
Spawning language server with cmd: `lua-language-server` failed. The language server 
is either not installed, missing from PATH, or not executable.
lucat1 commented 1 year ago

For the second issue: the error is caused by the lua-language-server cmd not being available. You can either install it via :Mason (although it should be automatic) or remove the lua language from your list of languages (basic support is provided in neovim by default, you probably don't need the LSP).

For the one regarding fidget.nvim I pushed the commit bc81cd170701462cdcdd16de0f28509eac15319d, which should solve the issue for now. We still should remove the fixed branch once fidget.nvim has been updated. Please note you will have to remove the package and let visimp reinstall it for you. You can use:

$ rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/paks/opt/fidget.nvim
specialfish9 commented 12 months ago

Hi, I did the command (and it actually deleted the right stuff) and made visimp re-install the package, but I still have the warning by fidget :p

lucat1 commented 12 months ago

Did you :PakUpdate before deleting the folder? I didn't mention this on gh but I did on matrix. If you don't pak update first, visimp does not include the fix which installs fidget from the legacy branch.

specialfish9 commented 12 months ago

Yes i did before and after actually

lucat1 commented 12 months ago

Mhh odd. Can you give me the output of:

$ grep fidget ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/paks/start/visimp/lua/visimp/layers/lsp.lua
specialfish9 commented 12 months ago

{ 'j-hui/fidget.nvim', opt = true }, vim.cmd('packadd fidget.nvim') get_module('fidget').setup()

specialfish9 commented 12 months ago

I swear that i did pakupdate

specialfish9 commented 12 months ago


lucat1 commented 12 months ago

Mh yeah, so visimp is outdated. Could it be that you have visimp set to track your own fork at: specialfish9/visimp and not the mialine. What is the output of: cd ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/paks/start/visimp && git remote get-url origin

specialfish9 commented 12 months ago

ups i fell so dumb rn

I should have checked that before!

I guess that this will solve both my problems

(the other problem)