lucatume / wp-browser

The easy and reliable way to test WordPress with Codeception. 10 years of proven success.
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Can't go through "init wpbrowser" step #102

Closed slaFFik closed 7 years ago

slaFFik commented 7 years ago

I can't successfully go through composer init wpbrowser step, constantly getting this error no matter what I type (even all defaults):

Something is not ok in the modules configurations: check your answers and try the initialization again.

Having this in composer.json: "lucatume/wp-browser": "~1.21" Windows 10, PHP 7.0.14

I have configured (files created), but everything after that - no.

lucatume commented 7 years ago

The defaults will usually apply to a very small number of users. The message means that one of the configuration parameters provided is not correct; the usual suspects are:

Check those parameters and make sure those are correct and try again. What kind of local development stack are you using?

slaFFik commented 7 years ago

I'm using OSPanel (aka WAMP), no vagrant/docker. If I put correct paths (Windows style, with backslashes) I got another error about Symfony YAML configurator parser.

lucatume commented 7 years ago

Mysql client credentials are correct? Did you try them out with a SQL client of from the command line? UNIX style slashes for the path are fine in PHP; that should not be the issue.

slaFFik commented 7 years ago

"Installed" asks for 2 different credentials. Am I right in assuming that one of them is for the site to be tested (aka "live"/"development"), and the other - for the site which will be used to test (where all the tests will be ran)?

lucatume commented 7 years ago

In a default wp-browser setup the site that is used for testing is the same for all suites. Before we move any further could you explain how you would like your setup to be? Your best starting point might be using --no-interaction, get empty config files, set them up and check if they work using codecept build.

slaFFik commented 7 years ago

I want to test a massive site, DB is bit less than 2Gb in size (WC store with 15k products and ton of orders). We use same domain for prod/qa/dev/local (IP is different) - that simplified migrating DB. Dev/QA/loca version of DB is anonymized for obvious reasons, so I can log in as any user with predefined password and generic username.

Creating a DB mock for testing will be overkill, as it's a WP and WC, so data is spread across the universe.

For each test run I want to use a prepared DB dump (we might consider slim it a bit, but anyway it will be over 1Gb) to import into a test DB and run tests.

I will check --no-interaction mode. UPD: this mode generated everything, finally. I will dive into configs.

lucatume commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the context information,

Codeception, and wp-browser, by extension, does not handle that DB size by default, use a populator to do so. And that will only apply to tests scaffolded by WPDb (acceptance and functional typically). For integration and "WordPress unit" tests you can set up a more restricted db fixture using factories.

slaFFik commented 7 years ago

build was failing, so instead of

plugins: [

I had to do this:

    - advanced-cron-manager/advanced-cron-manager.php
    - contact-form-7/wp-contact-form-7.php
slaFFik commented 7 years ago

Sorry for somewhat stupid questions here, but that is the 1st time I install and configure all of this. Closing the issue as it's actually already fixed via manual config files editing. The problem with paths in initial message was perhaps due to the usage of \ in paths on Windows instead of escaped \\.

Thank you for your help!

lucatume commented 7 years ago

Good to hear then! Thanks for taking the time to reply and post the solution: happy testing.