lucax88x / CodeAceJumper

Ace Jump extension for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
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Consider marking all non-alphanum characters as work boundaries by default #280

Open matklad opened 3 years ago

matklad commented 3 years ago

Over time, I've accmulated quite a long aceJump.finder.pattern:

But it still ocasionally happens that I want to jump to a certain punctulation, and then realise that its' not yet on the list (today it's ;). I think it should be safe to just treat all that is not a number/letter as a word boundary by default?

matklad commented 3 years ago

Also, at this point I've been using this extension for several years, and it's one of my favorite things in VS Code <3

lucax88x commented 3 years ago

Ehehe, thanks :D Always loved this extension.

I actually don't remember the reason why I didn't put all the non-alphanum, some years have passed.

I will need some more time, I'm actually not using VSCode anymore, and I need to reinstall it to test this stuff.