lucax88x / CodeAceJumper

Ace Jump extension for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
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[feature request] Smart Cursor Position #438

Open marblewraith opened 2 years ago

marblewraith commented 2 years ago

There's a feature in the extension MetaJump which would be an improvement to the default cursor movement here.

the Alt+/ shortcut will trigger the metaGo.gotoSmart command which intelligently set cursor position after navigation:

  • if the target is at the begin of the word, the cursor will be set before target character, otherwise after it;
  • The 'word' is defined as a group of all alphanumeric or punctuation characters.

This would help when trying to move to the end of a line the cursor isn't currently on.

This would also have to be behind a setting / option flag, so as not to break current user expectations.

lucax88x commented 2 years ago

ciao @marblewraith

sorry but I've stopped using vscode at all so I'm not adding feature to this project anymore.

I'll be happy if someone wants to keep improving this one.