lucc / nvimpager

Use nvim as a pager to view manpages, diffs, etc with nvim's syntax highlighting
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Ignores git log highlighting #49

Closed t-scutulatus closed 2 years ago

t-scutulatus commented 3 years ago

If nvimpager is set as:

git config core.pager nvimpager

no highlighting occurs when git log command is used.

lucc commented 3 years ago

I can not reproduce this with the available information.

midirhee12 commented 3 years ago

@p-scvtvlatvs Ensure that you don't have $PAGER set to something other than nvimpager as it will overwrite the core.pager configuration for git iirc.

t-scutulatus commented 3 years ago


  1. I think it is executed because it displays the log in black and white.
  2. I set it globally and I used the PAGER environment variable as well.
  3. I haven't tried :setf yet...
  4. The log is shorter than the terminal width and height.
t-scutulatus commented 3 years ago

@cvoges12: If I unset PAGER the default pager is used (I think is less).

lucc commented 3 years ago

if you are in less and press h it should show to help text of less (it says "SUMMARY OF LESS COMMANDS" at the top). If you are in nvimpager and execute :lua print(nvimpager) it should print "table: 0x7f4e48937d20" or so, especially not nil.

Does the highlighting work when you execute git log | nvimpager -c or git log | nvimpager -p or nvimpager ./some/file?

t-scutulatus commented 3 years ago

Yes, it highlights with all the three commands.

lucc commented 3 years ago

If these commands work than we can at least conclude that nvimpager works on your machine.

Can you please:

  1. find out if nvimpager is run or if another pager is run
  2. when nvimpager runs try setf git and see if that activates highlighting
  3. tell me what operating system you are on
  4. run git diff and the inside nvimpager run :lua print(require('nvimpager')._testable.detect_parent_process())
t-scutulatus commented 3 years ago
  1. Yes, it runs.
  2. Yes, highlighting seems to be activated, but everything turns black and white when git log is run.
  3. Arch Linux
  4. It returns the git value.

git config -l and git log still returns black and white. However, git diff highlights...

lucc commented 3 years ago

That sounds strange. I can currently not reproduce this (in a arch linux container).

Can you try git log > file ; nvim file?

t-scutulatus commented 3 years ago

Yes, I can see the output in nvim.

lucc commented 3 years ago

The output or also the highlight?

I am at loss here. It seems that neovim and nvimpager are installed and working. You will have to find a way to debug this and give more precise info what is happening behind the scenes.

t-scutulatus commented 3 years ago

Just the output.

lucc commented 3 years ago

Ok, my neovim shows highlighting when I open a file that contains git log output. So the problem seems to be with the runtime files of your neovim.

t-scutulatus commented 3 years ago
  1. Nothing.
  2. With pacman.
  3. 0.4.4
  4. Two; /bin/nvim and /usr/bin/nvim
  5. With git log is: /usr/share/nvim/runtime/syntax/git.vim /usr/share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin/git.vim For git diff is the same.
  6. Nothing for nvim and for nvimpager, the same as bullet 5.
lucc commented 3 years ago

If you installed your neovim with pacman and still have 0.4.4 I assume you did not do a system update in a long time. Mind doing one?

lucc commented 3 years ago

I am really out of ideas by now. It seems that your syntax file is loaded correctly but just not applied. It does not look like you have multible versions of the same file installed. It also looks like the issue is not with nvimpager but already with plain nvim.

You will have to dig around a bit more yourself because it is really difficult for me to do this debugging remotely. If you have any more questions or need help with the debugging please ask but please also provide the info what you have tried and how it went up front.

lucc commented 2 years ago

Closed until further info is available.