lucc / nvimpager

Use nvim as a pager to view manpages, diffs, etc with nvim's syntax highlighting
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Disable mouse clicks #71

Closed mike-lloyd03 closed 1 year ago

mike-lloyd03 commented 1 year ago

I'm taking nvimpager for a test drive and I like it so far. One thing I can't live with though is that it intercepts mouse clicks and drags. I'm always in tmux and I use mouse selection for copy/pasting. But in nvimpager, selecting text selects it directly and tmux doesn't seem to be aware of the selection. Also, double clicking a word should highlight and copy it with the tmux register, but it instead opens the man page for the word selected. How can I disable this?

I'd like to disable all mouse features except scroll wheel if possible.


lucc commented 1 year ago

You can check the nvim help with :h 'mouse' and see what value you can put in your init.vim file. By default nvimpager uses set mouse=a.

mike-lloyd03 commented 1 year ago

I looked around in there but there's not an option for my specific use case. But this is more of a general nvim question anyway so I'll close this issue.