Using information from The Movie Database API, create a collaborative game where trivia about a movie (movie name, performers, genre, year produced, etc) is provided as a hint, and the user must guess the correct answer based on a list of possible answers. The user has ‘X’ seconds to answer. Click an answer to confirm your guess. If your guess is correct, then you will be rewarded with a link to play the movie trailer. Additional correct guesses will display a badge with the number of correct guesses. An incorrect guess will clear the badge and reset the game. The game can be played with one or more players at a time in person or using a screen share service like Zoom.
A short animation and clear instructions are provided for the user on the How To Play screen.
Put the animation instruction view in the HowToPlay scene as a GIF animation instruction view.
learn how to create GIFs and use them in react native components.
Closes #178