luceroweb / trivia-and-chill

Using information from The Movie Database API, create a collaborative game where trivia about a movie (movie name, performers, genre, year produced, etc) is provided as a hint, and the user must guess the correct answer based on a list of possible answers. The user has ‘X’ seconds to answer. Click an answer to confirm your guess. If your guess is correct, then you will be rewarded with a link to play the movie trailer. Additional correct guesses will display a badge with the number of correct guesses. An incorrect guess will clear the badge and reset the game. The game can be played with one or more players at a time in person or using a screen share service like Zoom.
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Add in Genre related True/False Questions #40

Closed garanico closed 2 years ago

garanico commented 2 years ago

[timebox: 2 hours, complexity points: 2]

As a user, I would like to see more true/false questions about the movie genre so that game play will be more interesting.

As a developer, I would like to integrate different information from the API to generate a wider variety of questions for the player to answer.

Expected outcome: -Add genre related true statements and hard-coded false statements to the Mad Libs Array.

Developer Dependencies


True Statements: (data driven) ${title} is considered a ${}` ${title} is categorized under the ${} genre.

False Statements: (hard codded) Kill Bill is a romantic comedy. Captain America is categorized under the "musicals" genre.

xmercado commented 2 years ago

@SmiJa @Tesfa-Worku @keshi2021 Please do not forget to tag the ticket id in your commit message.

xmercado commented 2 years ago

Used popular movies and genre list API endpoints instead of movie details because existing code already uses popular movies endpoint and contains only genre_ids with no names.

xmercado commented 2 years ago

Used genreName, which comes from genre_ids from popular movies, instead of from movie details.