lucgagan / auto-playwright

Automating Playwright steps using ChatGPT.
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Problems parsing OpenAI Azure API response #34

Open HApolonio opened 6 days ago

HApolonio commented 6 days ago

I'm trying to implement some proof-of-concept tests with Auto-Playwright and our company's generative AI chat (based on ChatGPT 3.5), but I'm getting some wierd errors parsing the response.

model: ChatGPT3.5-turbo api-version: 2024-02-01

When I invoke auto with a simple prompt like Click the "Click me" button, I'm getting a test error because the response does not have a _functioncall with "result".

Is the latest version of Auto really compatible with Open AI Azure API 2024-02-01?

Sample request:

role: 'user',   
content: 'This is your task: Click the "Click me" button\n' +     '\n' +     
'* When creating CSS selectors, ensure they are unique and specific enough to select only one element, even if there are multiple elements of the same type (like multiple h1 elements).\n' +     
"* Avoid using generic tags like 'h1' alone. Instead, combine them with other attributes or structural relationships to form a unique selector.\n" +     
'* You must not derive data from the page if you are able to do so by using one of the provided functions, e.g. locator_evaluate.\n' +     '\n' +     
'Webpage snapshot:\n' +     
'\n' +     '\n' +     '\n' +     '     Testing \n' +     '    <h1>Hello, Rayrun!</h1>\n' +     '    <form id="search">\n' +     '       Search \n' +     '      <input type="text" name="query" data-testid="search-input" />\n' +     '    </form>\n' +     '    <div id="click-counter">\n' +     '      <p>Click count: <span id="current-count" data-testid="current-count">0</span></p>\n' +     '      <button id="click-button">Click me</button>\n' +     '      \n' +     '    </div>\n' +     '  \n' +     '\n' +     '\n' +     '\n' +     '\n' +     '\n' +     '\n'}

Sample response:

message {   
content: 'To click the button with ID "click-button", you can use the following code:\n' +     
'\n' +     
'```javascript\n' +     'const { locateElement, locator_click } = require("@qawolf/web");\n' +     '\n' +     '// Locate the button element using its ID\n' +     'const buttonElement = await locateElement({ cssSelector: "#click-button" });\n' +     '\n' +     '// Click on the button element\n' +     'await locator_click({ elementId: buttonElement });\n' +     
'```\n' +     
'\n' +     
'This code uses the `locateElement` function to find the button element on the webpage using its ID, and then uses the `locator_click` function to click on the button.',   role: 'assistant'}

⚠ Notice the javascript block instead of the function_call that the code expects.

Has anyone else faced this issue?

lucgagan commented 5 days ago

Sorry, I am not familiar with Azure API capabilities. It def works with OpenAI. Someone else will need to take to answer this one.

HApolonio commented 5 days ago

So, this project is not following the implementation from here?

The endpoint that I'm trying to use in Auto-Playwright is something like this: https://<my-resource><my-deployment>/chat/completions?api-version=2024-02-01

This is exactly the type of URL that you have on the ReadMe file 🤔

lucgagan commented 3 days ago

@roberto-mardeni might be a better person to ask, as he contributed the PR that added that logic.