Open luchete80 opened 2 years ago
Second step, strain rate is being readed.
--------------------------- END STEP -------------------------- TOTAL (SUM) Strain Rate part 1250 0.000000 0.000000 -19.945057 PresEq[i], Cs[i], P0[i],Density[i], RefDensity[i]: 0.000000 5001.814486 0.000000 2700.038759 2700.000000 StrainRate [0.000000 0.000000 -0.000000], [0.000000 0.000000 0.042700], [-0.000000 0.042700 -19.945057]. Time 1.4395e-06 Particle 1250, presure 969681.519080 , ShearStresszz 0.000000 Sigmazz -969681.519080 Time 2.87896e-06, GPU time 0.031 Max disp 2.28329e-08, 2.28329e-08, 0
G was not save and Strain rate A AND B were not updated. Now pressure is different.
--------------------------- END STEP -------------------------- TOTAL (SUM) Strain Rate part 1250 0.000000 0.000000 -19.945057 PresEq[i], Cs[i], P0[i],Density[i], RefDensity[i]: 0.000000 5001.814486 0.000000 2700.038759 2700.000000 StrainRate [0.000000 0.000000 -0.000000], [0.000000 0.000000 0.042700], [-0.000000 0.042700 -19.945057]. G, 25902000000.000000 Time 1.4395e-06 Particle 1250, presure 969681.519080 , ShearStresszz -495772.268175 Sigmazz -1465453.787255 Time 2.87896e-06, GPU time 0.032 Max disp 2.28329e-08, 2.28329e-08, 0 --------------------------- END STEP -------------------------- TOTAL (SUM) Strain Rate part 1250 0.001432 0.090479 -19.945628 PresEq[i], Cs[i], P0[i],Density[i], RefDensity[i]: 0.000000 5001.814486 0.000000 2700.135480 2700.000000 StrainRate [0.001432 0.000573 -0.000000], [0.000573 0.090479 0.042580], [-0.000000 0.042580 -19.945628]. G, 25902000000.000000 Time 2.8790e-06 Particle 1250, presure 3389458.452602 , ShearStresszz -1488473.312846 Sigmazz -4877931.765448 Time 4.31843e-06, GPU time 0.046 Max disp 1.08786e-07, 1.08786e-07, 9.49278e-10 --------------------------- END STEP -------------------------- Total steps: 3, time spent 0.048000 Program ended.
Accel has an error in z and displacements are null:
Total Nb search time in this interval: 0Average Nb search time in this interval: 0 Avg Neighbour Count40 Particle 1250 Acc 3 [ 12.3188 1244.53 -9620.66 ] Particle 1250 Disp 3 [ 2.55257e-112.57879e-09-1.99349e-08 ] Particle 1250 Pressure 2.90909e+06 Particle 1250 ShearStress (3,3): [ 7436653.4635e-11-0.00112699 ] [ 3.4635e-11 743665 4776.42 ] [ -0.00112699 4776.42-1.48733e+06 ]
---------- GPU
--------------------------- END STEP --------------------------
TOTAL (SUM) Strain Rate part 1250 0.001432 0.090479 -19.945628 Accel: 12.319131 1447.353295 80.024652 Disp: -0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 PresEq[i], Cs[i], P0[i],Density[i], RefDensity[i]: 0.000000 5001.814486 0.000000 2700.135480 2700.000000 StrainRate [0.001432 0.000573 -0.000000], [0.000573 0.090479 0.042580], [-0.000000 0.042580 -19.945628]. G, 25902000000.000000
Artif visc was enabled, and RotRate were not updated. Still wrong
--------------------------- END STEP -------------------------- TOTAL (SUM) Strain Rate part 1250 0.000000 0.000000 -19.945628 Accel: 12.318794 1244.529997 80.024896 Disp: 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 PresEq[i], Cs[i], P0[i],Density[i], RefDensity[i]: 0.000000 5001.814486 0.000000 2700.135659 2700.000000 StrainRate [0.000000 0.000000 -0.000000], [0.000000 0.000000 0.042704],
Sigma values are wrong
correct: Particle 1250 Sigma (3,3): [ -2.16542e+063.4635e-11-0.00112699 ] [ 3.4635e-11-2.16542e+06 4776.42 ] [ -0.00112699 4776.42-4.39642e+06 ]
[0.000000 0.000000 -0.000000], [0.000000 0.000000 0.042704], [-0.000000 0.042704 -19.945628]. G, 25902000000.000000 Time 2.8790e-06 Particle 1250, presure 3393927.007667 , ShearStresszz -1487331.002732 Sigmazz -4881258.010399 particle 1250 Sigma [-2650261.506252 0.000000 -0.001622], [0.000000 -2650261.506349 4776.422745], [-0.001622 4776.422745 -4881258.010399].
Stresses at first step are equal, but accel in the following step is not:
Matricial ops are ok: Correct vs GPU
but afer mult with grad kernel is wrong:
xij is ok CPU
Accel and sigma are ok until fourth step, when sigma becomes different (accel and str rate remains equal)
Pressure is not either the same
Difference is in drho
density incrementation is ok but pressure is still wrong:
drho is ok but pressure is wrong
pressure is correctly calculated at first step, problem is with drho
No inline tensor functions branchs give same results (is not a mult issue)
pressure is calculated with different density values, hence the error
Now are ok.
But in large steps model is wrong.
As always fixed ts= 1.43e-6, after 4 steps GPU
But with fixed ts= 1.43e-6 and final time=1e-4
Output No. 3 at 1.43948e-06 has been generated Current Time Step = 1.43948e-06 Total CPU time: 0.959133 , Nb: 0, StAcc: 0, PrAcc: 0Ls Acc: 0.653Contact: 0.002Msh: 0, BC: 0.001, mv: 0 Max plastic strain: 0in particle0 Steps count in this interval: 1Total Step count2 Total Nb search time in this interval: 0Average Nb search time in this interval: 0 Avg Neighbour Count42 Particle 1250 Pressure 969682 Particle 1250 ShearStress (3,3): [ 247886 0-8.02029e-12 ] [ 0 247886 1592.08 ] [ -8.02029e-12 1592.08 -495772 ]
Particle 1250 Sigma (3,3): [ -721795 0-8.02029e-12 ] [ 0 -721795 1592.08 ] [ -8.02029e-12 1592.08-1.46545e+06 ]
Particle 1250 StrRate (3,3): [ 0 0-2.15106e-16 ] [ 0 0 0.0426999 ] [ -2.15106e-16 0.0426999 -19.9451 ]
--------------------------- END STEP -------------------------- TOTAL (SUM) Strain Rate part 1250 0.000000 0.000000 -19.945057 PresEq[i], Cs[i], P0[i],Density[i], RefDensity[i]: 0.000000 5001.814486 0.000000 2700.038759 2700.000000 Time 1.4395e-06 Particle 1250, presure 969681.519080 , ShearStresszz 0.000000 Sigmazz -969681.519080 Time 2.87896e-06, GPU time 0.033 Max disp 2.28329e-08, 2.28329e-08, 0