Closed lucianodato closed 4 years ago
Are snaps and flatpacks usable for this? I'll have to investigate
There ya go:
PKGBUILD for ArchLinux
pkgdesc="An lv2 plugin for broadband noise reduction."
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
depends=('fftw' 'lv2')
optdepends=('jack: standalone jack client'
'ardour: intended use')
build() {
cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
package() {
cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR="$pkgdir/" install
Just tell me if I should publish this to the AUR ...maybe someone else checks if this works on his setup
Nice! Thanks Oliver! The only thing that I would change there is that the license is LGPL.
You're welcome! Updated the comment. By the way, thank you for this! Works pretty well 😃
If it's not much trouble for you I prefer you to upload it since people already knows your audio stuff.
Alright, there it is:
I'll update it for every new release.
You may mention it somewhere in the README, but the Arch users tend to find this out by themselves
I'm trying to build a snap package for noise repellent. If I'm successful this will be resolved.
Thank you for creating this plugin. It's the only one I've found that I've been able to get working.
I use Gentoo, and I was able to install without root privileges by:
As root:
# mkdir /usr/lib64/lv2/nrepel.lv2/
# chown nonrootuser:nonrootuser /usr/lib64/lv2/nrepel.lv2/
As non-root user:
% git clone
% cd noise-repellent.git
% meson build --buildtype release --prefix /usr/lib64/lv2
% cd build
% ninja -v
% ninja install
thanks! but i didn't get your request or is it just a remark?
Sorry for a little bit OT (regarding gentoo):
The little AUR-script from above made it to the Arch-Community repo, so please change the link in the README to
ok. done!
Hi @lucianodato , just to let you know that I made a package for the (coming soon) LibraZiK-3 from Git master 9efdd0b. This package should work on any Debian Buster, and maybe a bunch of .deb based distros.
Thank you sir! I do provide binaries now so no real need for packages.
A deb package and an AUR script for starters.