I'ts some kind of issue about the rendering. Sometimes I wait for rendering about 2-3 hours on i9 13900/3090 and I have just bright splash with strange ply file and some times using difirent models / images / promt I wait for 1.5-2 hours and get awarange results. I wondering maybe it's some kind a problem with my cuda 11.8 or drivers studio (latest) ? 1/105 2/105 caunter loading and even stugger sometimes to continue the render I pressing enter. CPU load 100% GPU 6-50% mostly 8% with about 9gb vram usage. One more question is it possible to save glb mesh somehow? Thank you.
I'ts some kind of issue about the rendering. Sometimes I wait for rendering about 2-3 hours on i9 13900/3090 and I have just bright splash with strange ply file and some times using difirent models / images / promt I wait for 1.5-2 hours and get awarange results. I wondering maybe it's some kind a problem with my cuda 11.8 or drivers studio (latest) ? 1/105 2/105 caunter loading and even stugger sometimes to continue the render I pressing enter. CPU load 100% GPU 6-50% mostly 8% with about 9gb vram usage. One more question is it possible to save glb mesh somehow? Thank you.