luciddreamz / laravel-ex

Laravel Example for OpenShift 3
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Is there any chance of migrating it to Laravel 5.4? #1

Open dinosaurfiles-zz opened 7 years ago

zselleristvan commented 7 years ago

I'd like to second that. I am not entirely up-to-date with all these Laravel release cycles, but I think 5.4 is an LTS release. If not, well, my bad. Anyway it would be nice to have that or something more generic, like a tutorial how the whole thing was put together, because now information is all over the place. Got used to it, but it's not ideal. Would it be possible to merge over from 5.xx onto this in a local project ? I am going to try it in the coming days.

hieulw commented 7 years ago

Laravel 5.5 is comming and it will be LTS release

tjnapster555 commented 7 years ago

@luciddreamz please add the 5.4 support

luciddreamz commented 7 years ago

@tjnapster555 @ladyga14 I'll take a look at adding Laravel 5.4/5.5 support.

@zselleristvan for the most part this commit covers the vast majority of the customizations that were made relative to the original Laravel config:

ramvinoth commented 7 years ago

@luciddreamz , Is this supported for Laravel 5.3 ? If not, can i tweak some configuration to make it work for 5.3?

baddwin commented 7 years ago

@luciddreamz I'll be waiting as well