lucide-icons / lucide

Beautiful & consistent icon toolkit made by the community. Open-source project and a fork of Feather Icons.
ISC License
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Icon Requests from Feather #119

Open Andreto opened 4 years ago

Andreto commented 4 years ago

Icon Requests from Feather

To do

Full list of issues

Legend: ✅ Added | 🚧 Under construction | ❓ Unsure | 🟥 Rejected

Done Id Title Engagement Feather PR Lucide PR
#17 Wallet 4 #658 #193
#21 newspaper 0 #661
🚧 #27 gender 15 #46 #46
#28 media-controls/repeat-1 6 #655
#32 Food Icon 6 #680
#53 factory 0 #558
#56 forest 6 #714
#61 Campsite 4 #651 #331
#68 bed 9 #662 #689
#69 sofa 0 #689
#70 bath 0 #635
#86 sum 17 #660
#98 podcast 0 #132
#100 money 8 #670
🟥 #113 Filled thermometer 0
#149 cake 2 #601
🟥 #156 Filled circle 2
#157 RFI: Trophy 10
#182 Currency 41 #404, #670
#185 Hobby Icons 1
#198 User in Circle 4 #692 #1116
#200 Sort/Filter together 0
🟥 #210 Fax 0 #602
#220 Sword/swords 0 #823 #646
#221 Camera Lens 5 #634
#234 chevrons-up-down 6 #238
#264 Rx/Pill 0 #605
#266 car 1 #789
#280 Vibration / Haptic Icon 0 #297, #641
#281 Skull 0 #298
#291 Icon request : history 10 #188
#316 Megaphone 0 #214
#321 PDF File 8
#322 XLS File 1
#337 Ellipsis Circle 0
#339 Zip file 5 #606
#347 Ticket icon 2 #220
#351 Keyboard 3 #522
#353 Open Folder 5 #381
#355 New header icons 0
#367 Thumbtack 0 #438
#380 reply 1 #341
#381 reply all 0 #341
#384 forward 0 #341
#386 brush icon 0 #108
#399 Code with Forward Slash 11 #671 #280
#401 Bank 11 #347
#407 Pin 0 #438
#413 icon request - scaling 8 #717
#418 Barchart Grouped (related with Barchart Stacked) 0
#419 Barchart Stacked (related with Barchart Grouped) 0
🚧 #421 Layout Mode 0
#422 Info Copy 2
#426 Flip / Mirror 0 #622
#427 Text input 0 #235
#437 Webcam 8 #687 #192
🟥 #438 Meeting/ collaboration 2
#444 Hand Icons 0 #608
#452 half-star 3 #642 #180
#459 Newspaper 2 #661
#463 bidirectional and non-bidirectional synching 1
#467 Transportation Icons 12 #789 #152
#468 cat 0 #498
🚧 #471 Walking 0 #609
#472 bird 0 #610
#473 Puzzle/Module Icon 1 #633
#486 business 0 #608
#489 Crown 11 #664 #151
#505 Quote 6 #653 #389
#508 Cursor 9 #897 #454
#509 AI 0 #612
#510 Superscript 0 #471
#511 Subscript 0 #459
#514 Mask 3 #631
#529 file-check, file-x, folder-check, folder-x 16 #669
🚧 #550 Question Mark v2 7
#552 Utensils Icon 12 #629 #261
🚧 #557 HD icon 21 #659
#559 Swipe/Drag icon 6 #641
#586 Receipt 2 #615
🟥 #594 Digits 19 #649
#598 QR Code 32 #141
#601 Hand Waving 0
🟥 #609 Save As 13 #700 #645
#631 "boat" 1 #665
#633 disability 10 #199
#683 add medal 8
#685 double check 4
#686 usb 9 #703 #617
🟥 #695 spinnable loading 13
🟥 #697 fence 6 #618
⬜️ #705 digital watch 4
#753 timer 1 #735 #148
#754 move-horizontal/-vertical 1 #770
🟥 #782 debug 2
#793 glasses / spectacles 5 #149
🟥 #794 contact lenses 1
#811 car 11 #152
#812 dice 5 #918 #655
#831 / proposal helping hand 0 #836 #614
#841 location disabled / error 2
#853 menu open 7
#855 all text editor s 1
#865 dollar-sign-circle 1 #1118
#879 fuel icon 3 #656
🚧 #885 categorical/text data (abc) 2
#916 queue 0
#949 square academic cap / university / school 8
#954 audience/group 4
#961 current location 4
#965 soft drink \ cold drink 0 #674
#966 mountain 0 #284
#968 sprout 0 #157
#990 plane 0 #150
#991 holiday/vacation/palm tree 0 #492
#1002 Raise Hand and Lower Hand -
#1006 Restaurant Icon -
#1007 Qite/Quote Icon -
#1019 Icon request: Story - #1820
#1020 Icon Request: shopping-cart-full -
#1024 Icon Request: Infinity -
#1025 Icon Request: Boat on Water -
#1026 Icon Request: Cell Tower -
#1027 Icon Request: Car -
#1030 Numbered List -
#1053 Icon Request: clouds-fog -
#1062 Icon Request: Boost -
#1064 Icon request: Leaf -
#1069 Bug icon -
#1078 Icon request: Exit -
🚧 #1087 Icon Request: Chess Piece -
#1099 Rupee Sign (₹) -
#1105 Earth icon request -
#1107 Icon request: eraser -
#1109 Icon request: bounding-box -
#1113 arrow-up-down -
🚧 #1127 Icon request: Motorbike -
#1128 Drag handle icon -
⬜️ #1130 Icon Request: Refund -
#1136 Memory/Ram Icon -
#1141 Icon request: Ruler -
#1142 Icon request: Eraser -
🟥 #1144 Arepa Icon -
#1149 Icon Request: JSON / cidy brackets -
#1152 Icon request: Nodes connection -
#1153 Icon request: Bomb -
#1164 Icon Request: Follow System UI Dark Mode -
#1165 Icon Request: undo -
#1177 Ambulance icon -
#1178 Hospital -
#1179 Roller-coaster -
#1180 Briefcase-medical -
#1181 Clipboard-medical -
#1182 Home-medical -
#1183 Star-of-life -
#1184 Syringe -
#1185 Tablets -
#1186 Heart-pulse -
#1187 Bandage -
#1188 Icon Request: palette -
#1201 Icon Request: Weight -
#1203 Icon request: Megaphone -
#1217 Icon request: Add Bookmark & Remove Bookmark -
#1218 Icon request: Eclipse or half brightness -
#1220 Icon request: scan icon for QR Code scan -

Updated 26th of Nov 2024

ericfennis commented 4 years ago


ahtohbi4 commented 4 years ago

I missed something major.

If you still wish I could add my icons from festhericons PRs. But it will require time.

moeenio commented 4 years ago

No problem, take your time!

danielbayley commented 1 year ago

🟥 | #156 | Filled circle

@Andreto Looks like this was added (as circle-dot) in #739

ericfennis commented 1 year ago

I've updated the list and listed more icon issues from the feather repo. I excluded all brand icons issues

chessurisme commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, @karsa-mistmere, how's your HD icon?