lucide-icons / lucide

Beautiful & consistent icon toolkit made by the community. Open-source project and a fork of Feather Icons.
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svelte-check error when using ComponentType<Icon> #2114

Open garrettpauls opened 2 weeks ago

garrettpauls commented 2 weeks ago




Can you reproduce this in the latest version?


Operating system


When using the latest version of lucide-svelte (0.376.0 and 0.376.1), using the pattern described on the Lucide website to pass icon components causes the following error in svelte-check:

Error: Type 'typeof Home' is not assignable to type 'ComponentType<Icon>'.
  Types of construct signatures are incompatible.
    Type 'new (options: ComponentConstructorOptions<IconProps>) => Home' is not assignable to type 'new (options: ComponentConstructorOptions<{ [x: string]: any; name?: string | undefined; color?: string | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; strokeWidth?: string | number | undefined; absoluteStrokeWidth?: boolean | undefined; iconNode: IconNode; mergeClasses?: (<ClassType = string>(...classes: ClassType[]) => string) | undefined; }>) => Icon'.
      Property 'mergeClasses' is missing in type 'SvelteComponentTyped<IconProps, { [evt: string]: CustomEvent<any>; }, { default: {}; }>' but required in type 'Icon'. (ts)
                        href: '/',
                        icon: Home,

Steps to reproduce

Follow the steps documented on the Lucide website to create a new project using the Svelte library, then copy the typescript example from the Types section and run svelte-check.

  1. Create a new Svelte project using Typescript:
    npm create svelte@latest myapp
    cd myapp
    npm install
    npm run dev
  2. Install lucide-svelte: npm install lucide-svelte
  3. Open the default +page.svelte file and replace its contents with the example contents from the Types section on the Lucide website:

    <script lang="ts">
      import Home from 'lucide-svelte/icons/home';
      import Library from 'lucide-svelte/icons/library';
      import Cog from 'lucide-svelte/icons/cog';
      import type { ComponentType } from 'svelte';
      import type { Icon } from 'lucide-svelte';
      type MenuItem = {
        name: string;
        href: string;
        icon: ComponentType<Icon>;
      const menuItems: MenuItem[] = [
          name: 'Home',
          href: '/',
          icon: Home,
          name: 'Blog',
          href: '/blog',
          icon: Library,
          name: 'Projects',
          href: '/projects',
          icon: Cog,
    {#each menuItems as item}
      <a href={item.href}>
       <svelte:component this={item.icon} />
  4. Run svelte-check against the project: npm run check
  5. It should pass, but instead causes the following errors:

    npm run check
    > lucide-typescript-bug@0.0.1 check
    > svelte-kit sync && svelte-check --tsconfig ./tsconfig.json
    Loading svelte-check in workspace: s:\code\lucide-typescript-bug
    Getting Svelte diagnostics...
    Error: Type 'typeof Home' is not assignable to type 'ComponentType<Icon>'.
      Types of construct signatures are incompatible.
        Type 'new (options: ComponentConstructorOptions<IconProps>) => Home' is not assignable to type 'new (options: ComponentConstructorOptions<{ [x: string]: any; name?: string | undefined; color?: string | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; strokeWidth?: string | number | undefined; absoluteStrokeWidth?: boolean | undefined; iconNode: IconNode; mergeClasses?: (<ClassType = string>(...classes: ClassType[]) => string) | undefined; }>) => Icon'.
          Property 'mergeClasses' is missing in type 'SvelteComponentTyped<IconProps, { [evt: string]: CustomEvent<any>; }, { default: {}; }>' but required in type 'Icon'. (ts)
                            href: '/',
                            icon: Home,
    Error: Type 'typeof Library' is not assignable to type 'ComponentType<Icon>'.
      Types of construct signatures are incompatible.
        Type 'new (options: ComponentConstructorOptions<IconProps>) => Library' is not assignable to type 'new (options: ComponentConstructorOptions<{ [x: string]: any; name?: string | undefined; color?: string | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; strokeWidth?: string | number | undefined; absoluteStrokeWidth?: boolean | undefined; iconNode: IconNode; mergeClasses?: (<ClassType = string>(...classes: ClassType[]) => string) | undefined; }>) => Icon'.
          Property 'mergeClasses' is missing in type 'SvelteComponentTyped<IconProps, { [evt: string]: CustomEvent<any>; }, { default: {}; }>' but required in type 'Icon'. (ts)
                            href: '/blog',
                            icon: Library,
    Error: Type 'typeof Cog' is not assignable to type 'ComponentType<Icon>'.
      Types of construct signatures are incompatible.
        Type 'new (options: ComponentConstructorOptions<IconProps>) => Cog' is not assignable to type 'new (options: ComponentConstructorOptions<{ [x: string]: any; name?: string | undefined; color?: string | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; strokeWidth?: string | number | undefined; absoluteStrokeWidth?: boolean | undefined; iconNode: IconNode; mergeClasses?: (<ClassType = string>(...classes: ClassType[]) => string) | undefined; }>) => Icon'.
          Property 'mergeClasses' is missing in type 'SvelteComponentTyped<IconProps, { [evt: string]: CustomEvent<any>; }, { default: {}; }>' but required in type 'Icon'. (ts)
                            href: '/projects',
                            icon: Cog,
    Error: Property 'iconNode' is missing in type '{}' but required in type '{ [x: string]: any; name?: string | undefined; color?: string | undefined; size?: string | number | undefined; strokeWidth?: string | number | undefined; absoluteStrokeWidth?: boolean | undefined; iconNode: IconNode; mergeClasses?: (<ClassType = string>(...classes: ClassType[]) => string) | undefined; }'. (ts)
            <a href={item.href}>
                    <svelte:component this={item.icon} />
    svelte-check found 4 errors and 0 warnings in 1 file


Wizzel1 commented 2 weeks ago

Same here at ^0.377.0