lucide-icons / lucide

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Text logs icon #2214

Closed GRA0007 closed 2 days ago

GRA0007 commented 2 weeks ago

Icon name


Use cases

A button to show a list of logs from an application

Design ideas

Vercel's log icon:


The list icon is what I'm using currently, but it's a little too generic to elicit "logs".


AndreasSas commented 1 week ago

Open lucide studio


Open lucide studio


Open lucide studio

I think I like the last one the most, because it feels a bit more like a "wall of text", which given what logs are might be a good thing?

AndreasSas commented 1 week ago

Open lucide studio

I also came up with this one, but I don't think this represents "logs" too much, it feels like just text

GRA0007 commented 1 week ago

Thanks @AndreasSas, my preference is the second option. I've tried both the second and third in context, and while the third icon is technically square, it seems a little too tall.

Forgive my lack of knowledge about the specifics of the lucide guidelines, but I almost prefer the second option if it's a little more spaced out like so:

Open lucide studio

AndreasSas commented 1 week ago

Thanks @AndreasSas, my preference is the second option. I've tried both the second and third in context, and while the third icon is technically square, it seems a little too tall.

Forgive my lack of knowledge about the specifics of the lucide guidelines, but I almost prefer the second option if it's a little more spaced out like so:

iconsOpen lucide studio

Yeah I see what you mean with the rhird icon feeling too tall. I don't know if the extra spacing you introduced is up to the guidelines, given rule 8 but haven't contributed much so far, so I don't know if that would count here as well

GRA0007 commented 1 week ago

Ah yeah thanks for linking that rule. This icon feels very similar to the list icon though, which also appears to break that rule:

Open lucide studio

But yeah, that also feels like it might not apply here.

ericfennis commented 5 days ago

It would be nice if it matches the list icon.

GRA0007 commented 5 days ago

In that case, maybe something like this would be more appropriate:

Open lucide studio

ericfennis commented 5 days ago

@GRA0007 To me that does not look that bad.

GRA0007 commented 5 days ago

What do you think @AndreasSas? If you're happy with it do you want to open a PR?