lucidrains / big-sleep

A simple command line tool for text to image generation, using OpenAI's CLIP and a BigGAN. Technique was originally created by
MIT License
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Run on multiply gpus #82

Open AlexWortega opened 3 years ago

AlexWortega commented 3 years ago

Hi ive tried to add multiply gpu support by nn.DataParallel Now its looks like this ` import os import sys import subprocess import signal import string import re

from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path import random

import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import nn from torch.optim import Adam from torchvision.utils import save_image import torchvision.transforms as T from PIL import Image from tqdm import tqdm, trange

from ema import EMA from resample import resample from biggan import BigGAN from clip import load, tokenize

assert torch.cuda.is_available(), 'CUDA must be available in order to use Big Sleep'

graceful keyboard interrupt

terminate = False

def signal_handling(signum,frame): global terminate terminate = True



def exists(val): return val is not None

def open_folder(path): if os.path.isfile(path): path = os.path.dirname(path)

if not os.path.isdir(path):

cmd_list = None
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
    cmd_list = ['open', '--', path]
elif sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'linux':
    cmd_list = ['xdg-open', path]
elif sys.platform in ['win32', 'win64']:
    cmd_list = ['explorer', path.replace('/','\\')]
if cmd_list == None:

except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
except OSError:

def create_text_path(text=None, img=None, encoding=None): input_name = "" if text is not None: input_name += text if img is not None: if isinstance(img, str): img_name = "".join(img.split(".")[:-1]) # replace spaces by underscores, remove img extension img_name = img_name.split("/")[-1] # only take img name, not path else: img_name = "PIL_img" inputname += "" + img_name if encoding is not None: input_name = "your_encoding" return inputname.replace("-", "").replace(",", "").replace(" ", "").replace("|", "--").strip('-')[:255]

tensor helpers

def differentiable_topk(x, k, temperature=1.): n, dim = x.shape topk_tensors = []

for i in range(k):
    is_last = i == (k - 1)
    values, indices = (x / temperature).softmax(dim=-1).topk(1, dim=-1)
    topks = torch.zeros_like(x).scatter_(-1, indices, values)
    if not is_last:
        x = x.scatter(-1, indices, float('-inf'))

topks =, dim=-1)
return topks.reshape(n, k, dim).sum(dim = 1)

def create_clip_img_transform(image_width): clip_mean = [0.48145466, 0.4578275, 0.40821073] clip_std = [0.26862954, 0.26130258, 0.27577711] transform = T.Compose([


                T.CenterCrop((image_width, image_width)),
                T.Normalize(mean=clip_mean, std=clip_std)
return transform

def rand_cutout(image, size, center_bias=False, center_focus=2): width = image.shape[-1] min_offset = 0 max_offset = width - size if center_bias:

sample around image center

    center = max_offset / 2
    std = center / center_focus
    offset_x = int(random.gauss(mu=center, sigma=std))
    offset_y = int(random.gauss(mu=center, sigma=std))
    # resample uniformly if over boundaries
    offset_x = random.randint(min_offset, max_offset) if (offset_x > max_offset or offset_x < min_offset) else offset_x
    offset_y = random.randint(min_offset, max_offset) if (offset_y > max_offset or offset_y < min_offset) else offset_y
    offset_x = random.randint(min_offset, max_offset)
    offset_y = random.randint(min_offset, max_offset)
cutout = image[:, :, offset_x:offset_x + size, offset_y:offset_y + size]
return cutout

load clip

perceptor, normalize_image = load('ViT-B/32', jit = False)

load biggan

class Latents(torch.nn.Module): def init( self, num_latents = 15, num_classes = 1000, z_dim = 128, max_classes = None, class_temperature = 2. ): super().init() self.normu = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(num_latents, zdim).normal(std = 1)) self.cls = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(num_latents, numclasses).normal(mean = -3.9, std = .3)) self.register_buffer('thresh_lat', torch.tensor(1))

    assert not exists(max_classes) or max_classes > 0 and max_classes <= num_classes, f'max_classes must be between 0 and {num_classes}'
    self.max_classes = max_classes
    self.class_temperature = class_temperature

def forward(self):
    if exists(self.max_classes):
        classes = differentiable_topk(self.cls, self.max_classes, temperature = self.class_temperature)
        classes = torch.sigmoid(self.cls)

    return self.normu, classes

class Model(nn.Module): def init( self, image_size, max_classes = None, class_temperature = 2., ema_decay = 0.99 ): super().init() assert image_size in (128, 256, 512), 'image size must be one of 128, 256, or 512' self.biggan = BigGAN.from_pretrained(f'biggan-deep-{image_size}') self.max_classes = max_classes self.class_temperature = class_temperature self.ema_decay\ = ema_decay


def init_latents(self):
    latents = Latents(
        num_latents = len(self.biggan.config.layers) + 1,
        num_classes = self.biggan.config.num_classes,
        z_dim = self.biggan.config.z_dim,
        max_classes = self.max_classes,
        class_temperature = self.class_temperature
    self.latents = EMA(latents, self.ema_decay)

def forward(self):
    out = self.biggan(*self.latents(), 1)
    return (out + 1) / 2

class BigSleep(nn.Module): def init( self, num_cutouts = 128, loss_coef = 100, image_size = 512, bilinear = False, max_classes = None, class_temperature = 2., experimental_resample = False, ema_decay = 0.99, center_bias = False, ): super().init() self.loss_coef = loss_coef self.image_size = image_size self.num_cutouts = num_cutouts self.experimental_resample = experimental_resample self.center_bias = center_bias

    self.interpolation_settings = {'mode': 'bilinear', 'align_corners': False} if bilinear else {'mode': 'nearest'}

    self.model =torch.nn.DataParallel(Model(
        image_size = image_size,
        max_classes = max_classes,
        class_temperature = class_temperature,
        ema_decay = ema_decay

def reset(self):

def sim_txt_to_img(self, text_embed, img_embed, text_type="max"):
    sign = -1
    if text_type == "min":
        sign = 1
    return sign * self.loss_coef * torch.cosine_similarity(text_embed, img_embed, dim = -1).mean()

def forward(self, text_embeds, text_min_embeds=[], return_loss = True):
    width, num_cutouts = self.image_size, self.num_cutouts

    out = self.model()

    if not return_loss:
        return out

    pieces = []
    for ch in range(num_cutouts):
        # sample cutout size
        size = int(width * torch.zeros(1,).normal_(mean=.8, std=.3).clip(.5, .95))
        # get cutout
        apper = rand_cutout(out, size, center_bias=self.center_bias)
        if (self.experimental_resample):
            apper = resample(apper, (224, 224))
            apper = F.interpolate(apper, (224, 224), **self.interpolation_settings)

    into =
    into = normalize_image(into)

    image_embed = perceptor.encode_image(into)

    latents, soft_one_hot_classes = self.model.latents()
    num_latents = latents.shape[0]
    latent_thres = self.model.latents.model.thresh_lat

    lat_loss =  torch.abs(1 - torch.std(latents, dim=1)).mean() + \
                torch.abs(torch.mean(latents, dim = 1)).mean() + \
                4 * torch.max(torch.square(latents).mean(), latent_thres)

    for array in latents:
        mean = torch.mean(array)
        diffs = array - mean
        var = torch.mean(torch.pow(diffs, 2.0))
        std = torch.pow(var, 0.5)
        zscores = diffs / std
        skews = torch.mean(torch.pow(zscores, 3.0))
        kurtoses = torch.mean(torch.pow(zscores, 4.0)) - 3.0

        lat_loss = lat_loss + torch.abs(kurtoses) / num_latents + torch.abs(skews) / num_latents

    cls_loss = ((50 * torch.topk(soft_one_hot_classes, largest = False, dim = 1, k = 999)[0]) ** 2).mean()

    results = []
    for txt_embed in text_embeds:
        results.append(self.sim_txt_to_img(txt_embed, image_embed))
    for txt_min_embed in text_min_embeds:
        results.append(self.sim_txt_to_img(txt_min_embed, image_embed, "min"))
    sim_loss = sum(results).mean()
    return out, (lat_loss, cls_loss, sim_loss)

class Imagine(nn.Module): def init( self, *, text=None, img=None, encoding=None, text_min = "", lr = .07, image_size = 512, gradient_accumulate_every = 1, save_every = 50, epochs = 20, iterations = 1050, save_progress = False, bilinear = False, open_folder = True, seed = None, append_seed = False, torch_deterministic = False, max_classes = None, class_temperature = 2., save_date_time = False, save_best = False, experimental_resample = False, ema_decay = 0.99, num_cutouts = 128, center_bias = False, ): super().init()

    if torch_deterministic:
        assert not bilinear, 'the deterministic (seeded) operation does not work with interpolation (PyTorch 1.7.1)'

    self.seed = seed
    self.append_seed = append_seed

    if exists(seed):
        print(f'setting seed of {seed}')
        if seed == 0:
            print('you can override this with --seed argument in the command line, or --random for a randomly chosen one')

    self.epochs = epochs
    self.iterations = iterations

    model = torch.nn.DataParallel(BigSleep(
        image_size = image_size,
        bilinear = bilinear,
        max_classes = max_classes,
        class_temperature = class_temperature,
        experimental_resample = experimental_resample,
        ema_decay = ema_decay,
        num_cutouts = num_cutouts,
        center_bias = center_bias,

    self.model =  (model) = lr
    self.optimizer = Adam(model.model.latents.model.parameters(), lr)
    self.gradient_accumulate_every = gradient_accumulate_every
    self.save_every = save_every

    self.save_progress = save_progress
    self.save_date_time = save_date_time

    self.save_best = save_best
    self.current_best_score = 0

    self.open_folder = open_folder
    self.total_image_updates = (self.epochs * self.iterations) / self.save_every
    self.encoded_texts = {
        "max": [],
        "min": []
    # create img transform
    self.clip_transform = create_clip_img_transform(224)
    # create starting encoding
    self.set_clip_encoding(text=text, img=img, encoding=encoding, text_min=text_min)

def seed_suffix(self):
    return f'.{self.seed}' if self.append_seed and exists(self.seed) else ''

def set_text(self, text):
    self.set_clip_encoding(text = text)

def create_clip_encoding(self, text=None, img=None, encoding=None):
    self.text = text
    self.img = img
    if encoding is not None:
        encoding = torch.nn.DataParallel(encoding.cuda())
    #elif self.create_story:
    #    encoding = self.update_story_encoding(epoch=0, iteration=1)
    elif text is not None and img is not None:
        encoding = (self.create_text_encoding(text) + self.create_img_encoding(img)) / 2
    elif text is not None:
        encoding = self.create_text_encoding(text)
    elif img is not None:
        encoding = self.create_img_encoding(img)
    return encoding

def create_text_encoding(self, text):
    tokenized_text = torch.nn.DataParallel(tokenize(text).cuda())
    with torch.no_grad():
        text_encoding = perceptor.encode_text(tokenized_text).detach()
    return text_encoding

def create_img_encoding(self, img):
    if isinstance(img, str):
        img =
    normed_img = torch.nn.DataParallel(self.clip_transform(img).unsqueeze(0).cuda())
    with torch.no_grad():
        img_encoding = perceptor.encode_image(normed_img).detach()
    return img_encoding

def encode_multiple_phrases(self, text, img=None, encoding=None, text_type="max"):
    if text is not None and "|" in text:
        self.encoded_texts[text_type] = [self.create_clip_encoding(text=prompt_min, img=img, encoding=encoding) for prompt_min in text.split("|")]
        self.encoded_texts[text_type] = [self.create_clip_encoding(text=text, img=img, encoding=encoding)]

def encode_max_and_min(self, text, img=None, encoding=None, text_min=""):
    self.encode_multiple_phrases(text, img=img, encoding=encoding)
    if text_min is not None and text_min != "":
        self.encode_multiple_phrases(text_min, img=img, encoding=encoding, text_type="min")

def set_clip_encoding(self, text=None, img=None, encoding=None, text_min=""):
    self.current_best_score = 0
    self.text = text
    self.text_min = text_min

    if len(text_min) > 0:
        text = text + "_wout_" + text_min[:255] if text is not None else "wout_" + text_min[:255]
    text_path = create_text_path(text=text, img=img, encoding=encoding)
    if self.save_date_time:
        text_path ="%y%m%d-%H%M%S-") + text_path

    self.text_path = text_path
    self.filename = Path(f'./{text_path}{self.seed_suffix}.png')
    self.encode_max_and_min(text, img=img, encoding=encoding, text_min=text_min) # Tokenize and encode each prompt

def reset(self):
    self.model =  torch.nn.DataParallel(self.model.cuda())
    self.optimizer = Adam(self.model.model.latents.parameters(),

def train_step(self, epoch, i, pbar=None):
    total_loss = 0

    for _ in range(self.gradient_accumulate_every):
        out, losses = self.model(self.encoded_texts["max"], self.encoded_texts["min"])
        loss = sum(losses) / self.gradient_accumulate_every
        total_loss += loss


    if (i + 1) % self.save_every == 0:
        with torch.no_grad():
            out, losses = self.model(self.encoded_texts["max"], self.encoded_texts["min"])
            top_score, best = torch.topk(losses[2], k=1, largest=False)
            image = self.model.model()[best].cpu()

            save_image(image, str(self.filename))
            if pbar is not None:
                print(f'image updated at "./{str(self.filename)}"')

            if self.save_progress:
                total_iterations = epoch * self.iterations + i
                num = total_iterations // self.save_every
                save_image(image, Path(f'./{self.text_path}.{num}{self.seed_suffix}.png'))

            if self.save_best and top_score.item() < self.current_best_score:
                self.current_best_score = top_score.item()
                save_image(image, Path(f'./{self.text_path}{self.seed_suffix}.best.png'))

    return out, total_loss

def forward(self):
    penalizing = ""
    if len(self.text_min) > 0:
        penalizing = f'penalizing "{self.text_min}"'
    print(f'Imagining "{self.text_path}" {penalizing}...')

    with torch.no_grad():
        self.model(self.encoded_texts["max"][0]) # one warmup step due to issue with CLIP and CUDA

    if self.open_folder:
        self.open_folder = False

    image_pbar = tqdm(total=self.total_image_updates, desc='image update', position=2, leave=True)
    for epoch in trange(self.epochs, desc = '      epochs', position=0, leave=True):
        pbar = trange(self.iterations, desc='   iteration', position=1, leave=True)
        for i in pbar:
            out, loss = self.train_step(epoch, i, image_pbar)
            pbar.set_description(f'loss: {loss.item():04.2f}')

            if terminate:
                print('detecting keyboard interrupt, gracefully exiting')


But i recive this error `UserWarning: 'torch.load' received a zip file that looks like a TorchScript archive dispatching to 'torch.jit.load' (call 'torch.jit.load' directly to silence this warning) " silence this warning)", UserWarning) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/jovyan/SberArtist/big-sleep/big_sleep/", line 101, in load model = torch.jit.load(model_path, map_location=device if jit else "cpu").eval() File "/home/user/conda/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/jit/", line 275, in load cpp_module = torch._C.import_ir_module(cu, f, map_location, _extra_files) RuntimeError:

aten::_convolution(Tensor input, Tensor weight, Tensor? bias, int[] stride, int[] padding, int[] dilation, bool transposed, int[] output_padding, int groups, bool benchmark, bool deterministic, bool cudnn_enabled) -> (Tensor): Expected at most 12 arguments but found 13 positional arguments.`

Oros42 commented 2 years ago

@AlexWortega could you use `` at the begin and the end of your code ? You can use the tabPreview` to check the display. It's hard to read your code :-/ Could you also tell us what did you change ?

I would like to use all my GPU to.

tlby commented 2 years ago

I think you only need to add DataParallel to the top level model, rather than in multiple places in the model implementation. this tutorial suggests something like:

diff --git a/big_sleep/ b/big_sleep/
index 8aa8820..a4cbdf4 100644
--- a/big_sleep/
+++ b/big_sleep/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from big_sleep import Imagine, version
 from pathlib import Path
 from .version import __version__;

+import torch

 def train(
@@ -68,6 +69,11 @@ def train(
         if answer not in ('yes', 'y'):

+    if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1:
+        print("Let's use", torch.cuda.device_count(), "GPUs!")
+        imagine = torch.nn.DataParallel(imagine)

 def main():

ought to allow the dream script to use multiple GPUs. However, this model get an exception:

RuntimeError: Output 237 of BroadcastBackward is a view and its base or another view of its base has been modified inplace. This view is the output of a function that returns multiple views. Such functions do not allow the output views to be modified inplace. You should replace the inplace operation by an out-of-place one.

and I think that means this architecture needs a little retooling to support multi-gpu training.