luciusDXL / TheForceEngine

Modern "Jedi Engine" replacement supporting Dark Forces, mods, and in the future Outlaws.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[Linux] Wine, mouse input choppy #394

Open 12sunflowers opened 3 months ago

12sunflowers commented 3 months ago

Hello. Running TFE under Linux Devuan 5.0 via Wine Nvidia proprietary driver 340.108 Geforce 9800 gtx(G92) (its old but still good for retro gaming) Mice (Rival95) Stable 75 FPS

TFE running good. But when i am using mouselook in game, movement have choppy spikes. BUT keyboardlook(with no mouse) working perfectly smooth problem only with mouselook. Was tried Vsync ON/OFF not help.

Can you something suggest?

luciusDXL commented 3 months ago

I'm surprised that TFE works with Wine, honestly. I'm not sure what the issue is, honestly. Have you tried native Linux instead?

12sunflowers commented 3 months ago

Hello. Thanks for quick reply) Yes. I am also test TFE under Windows10 with same hardware and all working perfect and mousellok input and keyboardlook input. Just curious why through Wine mouselook choppy where can be point?