lucjaulmes / cfp-timeline

Pretty display on a timeline of CS conference lists cross-referenced with calls for papers from WikiCFP
GNU General Public License v3.0
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add CORE ranking in the calendar [feature request] #1

Closed ondrik closed 3 years ago

ondrik commented 3 years ago

Hi Luc,

this calendar is very useful, many thanks for providing it publicly! Would it be possible to add the CORE ranking to the row next to a conference name (I understand is has been scraped so it already is somewhere in the data)? That would be quite useful :-).

Best regards, Ondra

P.S. Note that there is already CORE 2021 ranking

lucjaulmes commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion @ondrik, and glad you like the tool.

I’ve added the rankings to the timeline, with the source of the ranking by hovering the letter grade − those that are not from the latest CORE (like Micro) have a different color.

wikicfp seems to have been down for a week now, so let’s hope it comes back up. If it does I can bump to 2021 ratings easily

ondrik commented 3 years ago

Looks perfect, thanks Luc!