luckasRanarison / nvim-devdocs

Neovim DevDocs integration
MIT License
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Focus loss in glow #73

Closed Mykhailo-Sichkaruk closed 7 months ago

Mykhailo-Sichkaruk commented 7 months ago

I have an issue with opened docs via glow. When I select some docs to be opened my neovim loses focus and I simply can't do anything with my keyboard in the neovim window. I need to click with my mouse over neovim to be able to navigate with the keyboard. Here are my settings:

    dependencies = {
      "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim",
    lazy = false,
    enable = true,
    opts = {
      dir_path = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/devdocs", -- installation directory
      telescope = {}, -- passed to the telescope picker
      filetypes = {},
      float_win = { -- passed to nvim_open_win(), see :h api-floatwin
        relative = "editor",
        height = 500,
        width = 800,
        border = "rounded"
      wrap = true, -- text wrap, only applies to floating window
      previewer_cmd = "glow", -- for example: "glow"
      cmd_args = { "-w", "80", "-s", "dark", "-p" },
      cmd_ignore = {}, -- ignore cmd rendering for the listed docs
      picker_cmd = true, -- use cmd previewer in picker preview
      picker_cmd_args = { "-w", "80", "-s", "dark", "-p" },
      ensure_installed = {
        "node", "javascript", "typescript", "npm", "sass", "css", "html",
        "lua-5.4", "cpp", "go", "python-3.12", "jsdoc", "git"
      }, -- get automatically installed
      mappings = { open_in_browser = "" },
      after_open = function(bufnr) end -- callback that runs after the Devdocs window is opened. Devdocs buffer ID will be passed in

What am I doing wrong?

My setup: nvim: 0.9.5 fedora: 38 alacritty: 0.13.1 X11

Mykhailo-Sichkaruk commented 7 months ago

Sorry my bad, it was terminal mode and Ctrl+\ and then Ctrl+n fix the issue).

I was struggling with the settings of the plugins and other stuff but it was so easy.

gipo355 commented 7 months ago

hey @Mykhailo-Sichkaruk having the same problem, do we need to press ctrl+\ and ctrl+n everytime we open it or is there a persistent solution

Mykhailo-Sichkaruk commented 7 months ago

hey @Mykhailo-Sichkaruk having the same problem, do we need to press ctrl+\ and ctrl+n everytime we open it or is there a persistent solution

As I understood Terminal mode is a feature of the nvim, not a bug. For example, you can try :terminal command in your nvim and you will get into terminal where you can write shell commands as usual while normal nvim's motions and commands line w,e,d,i won't work. Nvim's commands/motions won't work because all input is redirected to the shell. Then you can press Ctrl + \ Ctrl + n and you will be in the nvim's Normal mode.

So, a workaround I see - adding a more convenient shortcut to exit Terminal mode. I use: Map('t', '<A-a>', '<C-\\><C-n>')

RayJameson commented 5 months ago

If someone else stumble across this issue, the workaround is to use after_open in config options

---@type LazySpec
return {
  cond = not vim.g.vscode,
  dependencies = {
  cmd = {
  keys = {
        if == "python" then
          local check_version_cmd = [[python -c 'import sys; print(".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:2])))']]
          local python_version = "python-" .. vim.fn.system(check_version_cmd)
          local cmd = ("DevdocsOpenFloat %s"):format(python_version)
      desc = "Find Devdocs for current ft",
      mode = { "n" },
    { "<leader>fD", "<cmd>DevdocsOpenFloat<CR>", desc = "Find Devdocs", mode = { "n" } },
  opts = {
    previewer_cmd = vim.fn.executable("glow") == 1 and "glow" or nil,
    cmd_args = { "-s", "dark", "-w", "80" },
    picker_cmd = true,
    picker_cmd_args = { "-s", "dark", "-w", "50" },
    float_win = { -- passed to nvim_open_win(), see :h api-floatwin
      relative = "editor",
      height = 35,
      width = 125,
      border = "rounded",
    after_open = function()
      vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes("<C-\\><C-n>", true, false, true), "n", true)
gipo355 commented 5 months ago

Thank you @RayJameson !!! copypasted this right away