luckfox-eng29 / luckfox_pico_rtsp_yolov5

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Segfault on Pico Max using latest SDK and buildroot image on SPI flash #1

Open platima opened 1 month ago

platima commented 1 month ago
# ./luckfox_rtsp_yolov5_buildroot
E RKNN: failed to open model: ./model/yolov5.rknn
rknn_init fail! ret=-1
init rknn model success!
load lable ./model/coco_80_labels_list.txt
Open ./model/coco_80_labels_list.txt fail!
rkaiq log level ff0
ID: 0, sensor_name is m00_b_sc3336 4-0030, iqfiles is /etc/iqfiles
rk_aiq_uapi2_sysctl_init/prepare succeed
rk_aiq_uapi2_sysctl_start succeed
rockit log path (null), log_size = 0, can use export rt_log_path=, export rt_log_size= change
log_file = (nil)
RTVersion        10:42:41-473 {dump              :064} ---------------------------------------------------------
RTVersion        10:42:41-476 {dump              :065} rockit version: git-8cb4d25b8 Tue Feb 28 11:12:39 2023 +0800
RTVersion        10:42:41-477 {dump              :066} rockit building: built- 2023-02-28 15:23:19
RTVersion        10:42:41-478 {dump              :067} ---------------------------------------------------------
(null)           10:42:41-479 {log_level_init    :203}

 please use echo name=level > /tmp/rt_log_level set log level
        name: all cmpi mb sys vdec venc rgn vpss vgs tde avs wbc vo vi ai ao aenc adec
        log_level: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

rockit default level 4, can use export rt_log_level=x, x=0,1,2,3,4,5,6 change
(null)           10:42:41-481 {read_log_level    :093} text is all=4
(null)           10:42:41-481 {read_log_level    :095} module is all, log_level is 4
RTIsp3x          10:42:41-484 {ispInitDevice     :208} sensor name = m00_b_sc3336 4-0030
RTIsp3x          10:42:41-484 {ispInitDevice     :211} sensor_index = 0
(null)           10:42:41-488 {monitor_log_level :144} #Start monitor_log_level thread, arg:(nil)
RTIsp3x          10:42:41-491 {ispInitDevice     :208} sensor name = m00_b_sc3336 4-0030
RTIsp3x          10:42:41-492 {ispInitDevice     :211} sensor_index = 0
[INFO  rtsp_demo.c:280:rtsp_new_demo] rtsp server demo starting on port 554
[DEBUG rtsp_demo.c:480:rtsp_new_session] add session path: /live/0
rtsp streamq_alloc size is 1753484
RKViDev          10:42:41-499 {vi_set_dev_attr   :440} VI_DEV_ATTR_S all parameter reserved
  === VI ATTRS INFO: ===
        devId  :      0
        chnId  :      0
        buffcnt:      0
        buffSize:     0
        width:        0
        height:       0
        Maxwidth:     0
        Maxwidth:     0
        streaming:    0
RKViChn          10:42:41-503 {prepareRuntime    :334} ---------------------------------------------------------
RKViChn          10:42:41-504 {prepareRuntime    :336} vi version: 1.86, name:vvi
RKViChn          10:42:41-504 {prepareRuntime    :337} rockit-ko version: vmpi:fb2eed2be49e
RKViChn          10:42:41-504 {prepareRuntime    :338} rockit-ko building: -2023-02-09-11:04:49
RKViChn          10:42:41-504 {prepareRuntime    :339} ---------------------------------------------------------
RKViChn          10:42:41-505 {prepareRuntime    :358} mb pool create success, MBCnt= 2
cmpi             10:42:41-506 {createRuntime     :546} [non-WRAP MODE]: buff size = 518400
RTIsp3x          10:42:41-508 {ispInitDevice     :208} sensor name = m00_b_sc3336 4-0030
RTIsp3x          10:42:41-508 {ispInitDevice     :211} sensor_index = 0
RTDeviceV4L2     10:42:41-512 {open              :138} open video name(/dev/video11)
RKViChn          10:42:41-512 {setFrameRate      :1153} [vi] dev(0) ch(0) illegal param s32SrcFrameRate(0) s32DstFrameRate(0)
RTDeviceV4L2     10:42:41-513 {ispCameraInfo     :549} current device:/dev/video11 isn't compatible(cap:0x84201000) device,memoryType:4, retry:0
RTDeviceV4L2     10:42:41-514 {ispInitFormat     :726} ioctl VIDIOC_S_FMT OK
RKViChn          10:42:41-515 {start             :813} =========== vi Start startRuntime ===========
RTDeviceV4L2     10:42:41-516 {ispStreamOn       :440} do ispStreamOn start
RTDeviceV4L2     10:42:41-536 {ispStreamOn       :493} do ispStreamOn done
rga_api version 1.9.1_[0]
=== 0 ===
====RK_MPI_SYS_Bind vi0 to vpss0====
MpiAdapterEncode 10:42:41-548 {ma_encode_create  :1653} ringbuf buf_size 520192
venc init success
=== 1 ===
cmpi             10:42:41-617 {mb_get_buffer_by_i:422} allocated buffer(this=0x1b6c60, data=(nil), size=0, id=-1)
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
yz-arc commented 1 month ago

hello, i meet the same error, do u solve it? after i add the model file, it report the error:"E RKNN: failed to decode config data! Segmentation fault (core dumped)". I will try add the .so files, wishing i can make it tomorrow

luckfox-eng29 commented 1 month ago

To run the luckfox_pico_rtsp_yolov5 demo, you need some essential files and models. After completing make install in the build folder, upload the luckfox_rtsp_yolov5_demo directory from the project directory to luckfox. Then, within that folder, run the luckfox_rtsp_yolov5 executable file so the program can correctly link to the related files.

platima commented 1 month ago

To run the luckfox_pico_rtsp_yolov5 demo, you need some essential files and models. After completing make install in the build folder, upload the luckfox_rtsp_yolov5_demo directory from the project directory to luckfox. Then, within that folder, run the luckfox_rtsp_yolov5 executable file so the program can correctly link to the related files.

AH yep okay that makes sense! Cheers #29