lucko / helper

A collection of utilities and extended APIs to support the rapid and easy development of Bukkit plugins.
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wiki issue #69

Closed Matthew-Ramsey closed 4 years ago

Matthew-Ramsey commented 4 years ago

Although this isn't an error with the API itself it's an issue using the documentation. Whenever I click the wiki and attempt to click any of the sub categories the page doesn't change. Thanks.

mdcfe commented 4 years ago

Those pages haven't been written yet, so there isn't a page for the link to go to. You can see all the pages that have currently been written by clicking on the Pages header above the sidebar.

DokanBoy commented 4 years ago

How can I help update the wiki? I'd be happy to do that.

lucko commented 4 years ago

PR's appreciated here: :)

DokanBoy commented 4 years ago

Oh, thank you!