lucko / helper

A collection of utilities and extended APIs to support the rapid and easy development of Bukkit plugins.
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Bucket doesn't split elements into different partition #85

Open awsqed opened 4 years ago

awsqed commented 4 years ago

When I run it on the server it doesn't return the expected result. image



Smaller partition size for clearer demonstration (32 partitions): image

EDIT: I'm using the main helper module, version 5.6.2, with a standalone plugin (version 5.6.4).

Bestle commented 2 years ago

This is always 0 as sets contained are equal, so the only partitioning strategy that currently works is "RANDOM".

lucko commented 2 years ago

Thanks for figuring it out - sorry I never got around to doing it myself.

I've added a fix above, let me know if that sorts it.