luckykadam / render-strip

Blender addon to manage animation strips.
MIT License
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Camera name for folder name #5

Open AlexFundorin opened 2 years ago

AlexFundorin commented 2 years ago

Hi. This is a great addon. I'm just starting with Blender animation and it seems helpful. Is it possible to make the addon take strip folder names from the camera names?

AlexFundorin commented 2 years ago

Having frame range/resolution/custom suffix wildcards for folder names would also be nice.

luckykadam commented 2 years ago

Hi @AlexFundorin , I am happy you like the addon.

Regarding default strip naming - we had that functionality earlier, where you could choose between custom and default name.

strips (1)

But, I had to remove that because:

  1. Name clash - when camera and range is same for two strips.
  2. Possible confusion - I want to keep the addon simple and straight forward to use.

If you have an idea/design on how to enable this, we can discuss. :)

AlexFundorin commented 2 years ago

I truly don't see how the camera and frame range are the same but the image sequence isn't. Shouldn't they be the same?

As for simplicity, I think that it could be possible to set the global folder pattern name in the addon preferences (preferences/addon) once and edit it when needed, using:

  1. A set of predefined buttons, named [Strip Name], [Camera Name], [Frame Range], [Resolution X], [Resolution Y], [Date] (very optional, but I can see some rare situations, where this could be handy), [Auto Counter] (for matching names clash. If the name matches, but the strip ID is different, add number appendix), [Remove Last] (to remove the last addition of the folder name generator string). Thus, the user can customize the display of the folder name in a couple of clicks.

  2. An input field for choosing the separator symbol: space, underscore, dash, backslash (for auto creating sub folders). This choice ca be either pre set, or have a whitelist of allowed separators. Or, just leave it as a default spacebar and don't add this option.

  3. The last section in the settings would display an example name, that's generated, using the building blocks above.

This way we would have a flexible naming tool for the folder name generation, while keeeping the GUI intact. If this tool will turn out quite compact, it could be possible to add an override name generator per strip in the "Output settings". Or not. :)

AlexFundorin commented 2 years ago

Date and Auto counter could be checkboxes. Date as an optional one or with its own pattern builder. Auto counter should be enabled by default and you can add an option, where the user could disable it and deal with the consequences on his own. :)

AlexFundorin commented 2 years ago

Might also add a couple of custom buttons (2-4) with configurable words for them, using allowed characters.

Like, when having dash as a separator, saving this sequence of buttons in preferences [Strip] [Cam] [ResY] [Custom1] will give the following folder name


Setting [Custom2] [Custom3] [Cam] [ResY] and underscore as a separator will result in folder name


Having a [Project Name], [Scene name] buttons might also be handy.

AlexFundorin commented 2 years ago

Quick and dirty mockup: