luckymarmot / Paw-Issues

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Websocket support #68

Open joshhopkins opened 5 years ago

joshhopkins commented 5 years ago

Any plans on websocket support?

ghost commented 5 years ago

and graphql subscriptions as well (based on websocket)

marcfielding1 commented 5 years ago

Yeah I'd definitely use websocket and graphql support, most of our API's are on Lambda and we use web sockets quite a bit with mobile apps.

joeczucha commented 4 years ago

Was this ever introduced? I found an comment from May '17 saying that it might be on the way so just wanted to check... thanks!

jk commented 3 years ago

Any news on websocket support?

kazhuravlev commented 3 years ago


navaru commented 3 years ago

Meanwhile use:

(for people like me who needed to do a quick websocket test and noticed Paw didn't support it)

KuhlTime commented 3 years ago

Not inside Paw either but at least sponsored by Paw 🤷‍♂️

marcfielding1 commented 3 years ago

Err, you do realize that there are people asking a question here that BUY a Paw license and would hope for some kind of response?

vec715 commented 2 years ago

any updates?

blevasseur-godaddy commented 2 years ago

I'm curious if there's been any traction on this?

marcfielding1 commented 2 years ago

use Postman, I removed my subscription for PAW because I'm not paying for a product that is quite clearly not supported properly - PAW WAS awesome in my book, but it's not the winner - also this is not a complicated feature, I don't quite understand why it's hard work engaging on it.

I mean common this was nearly a year ago?!

marcfielding1 commented 2 years ago

It should be noted that this repo is being closed and there is a link on Readme for raising tickets though, so it might better to migrate our requests to here as this repo might not even be observed any more. Here is the link from the readme.

alobaili commented 2 years ago

It should be noted that this repo is being closed and there is a link on Readme for raising tickets though, so it might better to migrate our requests to here as this repo might not even be observed any more. Here is the link from the readme.

That's not an excuse for the team not addressing the request and the many votes casted on it. I think giving an official statement on how existing issues will be handled before closing and abandoning the repo is the appropriate action.

marcfielding1 commented 2 years ago

Whilst I do agree, during transition periods between orgs, things can get lost, now being annoyed is not going to change the facts, finding a solution will.

marcfielding1 commented 2 years ago

We can troll this thread all year, not gonna make a difference, being angry only really changes your life - whilst we're entitled to feel aggrieved I don't believe the software owners want to lose subscribers, I believe they made a mistake, as have we all, so let's figure this out.

marcfielding1 commented 2 years ago

To be blunt, if we could make this ourselves we wouldn't be here, so you have two choices, don't be here. Or engage. I think I'll select engage given I hadn't noticed the change of ownership.

eivindml commented 1 year ago

This would be a cool feature to include with Paw. 😊

aiank commented 1 year ago

Had the pro version so far, apparently which isn't required anymore. Web socket not yet present. Switching to Firecamp for good