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[Feature Request] Add Files on Mutation GraphQL like upload avatar or file pdf #91

Closed harrytran998 closed 2 years ago

harrytran998 commented 3 years ago

Because Paw dont have this feature, our team must switch another Client API Altair GraphlQL Client. Hope your team work for this! image

sebastiansson commented 3 years ago

This would be awesome!

franzwarning commented 3 years ago


isaozler commented 2 years ago

actually you can, use operations, map, and the file with incremental part name as multipart/form-data request

this is how we use it...


`--X_PAW_BOUNDARY Content-Disposition: form-data; name="operations"

{"operationName":"createPost","variables":{"topic":"Topic","images":[{"image":null}],"tags":["123","321"]},"query":"mutation createPost($topic: String!, $images: [ImageUpload!]!, $tags: [String!]!) {\n createPost(topic: $topic, images: $images, tags: $tags) {\n id\n typename\n }\n}"} --X_PAW_BOUNDARY__ Content-Disposition: form-data; name="map"

{"1":["variables.images.0.image"]} --X_PAW_BOUNDARY Content-Disposition: form-data; name="1"; filename="isaozler_vector.jpg" Content-Type: image/jpeg `

pfcodes commented 12 months ago

Would be great to have this as a native interface than having to do the operations, map, and file route