luckyyang / tcool 图cool
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mess all things up, need to learn to deploy #4

Closed luckyyang closed 11 years ago

luckyyang commented 11 years ago

yeah, yeah! Everything will be fine.

happypeter commented 11 years ago

I will suggest you focusing on the front-end, leave the backend stuff to me.

luckyyang commented 11 years ago

great! thanks.

happypeter commented 11 years ago

tcool is not meant to be a Rails App

We only need to show images, so it's only front-end code, html+css+js, we do NOT need ruby or rails, or database, or anything. It's just a static site.

I beg you to revert the commits, and let's go back to the simple state.

elsalong commented 11 years ago

@happypeter :+1:

happypeter commented 11 years ago

revert done, is back to life.

We will keep tcool simple

So that @elsalong can join us quickly with the code. Since there is only front-end stuff, it's also nice for @luckyyang and me try out responsive design.

elsalong commented 11 years ago

just start learning linux, and maybe git later. so maybe need more time before I can do the code things with your site. besides, will move to beijing arround 20th, April, kinda busy these days with all the mess up things. but still, I'm watching haoqicat all the time :smiley:

luckyyang commented 11 years ago


我改成rails的主要原因是因为想在这里尝试kss,不过这样的话,确实是复杂了。总体来说,我赞同revert回去,我们只需要前端的东西,而kss things,还会有其它的方法的,别因为一个kss把整个项目搞复杂了。sorry。

keep all things simple, life will beautiful.