lucoiso / UEAzSpeech

This plugin integrates Azure Speech Cognitive Services in Unreal Engine.
MIT License
178 stars 41 forks source link

(Multi-platform version) When packaging for Linux, binaries aren't found by default and need to be moved #209

Closed kass-kass closed 9 months ago

kass-kass commented 1 year ago

When packaging the plugin in a project for Linux, and running the starting script, the following error is displayed:

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

This issues comes frome the fact that all the Azure library files (*.so) are placed in ProjectName\Binaries\Linux\ThirdParty\AzSpeech. If the libraries are moved instead two folders up, to ProjectName\Binaries\Linux, the build starts up fine.

If there is a way to define where the libraries are placed when making a build, it would be great to fix this. I personally haven't found how this can be defined, but my knowledge of the UBT process isn't so deep.

lucoiso commented 9 months ago

Removed the sub directories, now the plugin binaries will be moved to the same directory of the executable:

kass-kass commented 9 months ago

Thank you for the fix!