lucoiso / UESpeechGPT

Example Project that uses both OpenAI GPT-3 and Microsoft Azure Speech Services
MIT License
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Error calls the text to soundwave #7

Closed knightwindbass closed 11 months ago

knightwindbass commented 1 year ago

Hi there, i update the version to the last one, and i am getting now this error on the output log, not always happen, but too often.

LogHttpGPT: Display: SetReadyToDestroy (288605): Setting task as Ready to Destroy LogAzSpeech: Display: Task: TextToSoundWave (275926); Function: Activate; Message: Activating task LogAzSpeech: Error: Task: TextToSoundWave (275926); Function: Activate; Message: Failed to activate task LogAzSpeech: Display: Task: TextToSoundWave (275926); Function: SetReadyToDestroy; Message: Setting task as Ready to Destroy

Maybe you have an idea, about what is happening.

For what i see, its cause there is no text, and i guess it was a miss understanding in my code. Now i fix it, and it works fine. By the way thanks for de Main Map for debug.

lucoiso commented 1 year ago

Hello! Can you enable the internal & SDK logs and send me the log files?

You can enable them in Project Settings -> Plugins -> AzSpeech -> Information -> Enable Internal Logs & Enable Azure SDK Logs Logs are generated in PROJECT_DIRECTORY/Saved/Logs and PROJECT_DIRECTORY/Saved/Logs/AzSpeech

My email:

knightwindbass commented 1 year ago

Thanks, i will send you but i guess i found my problem, i activate the log, and at least by the way i am using the plugin, the problem was that the response text was empty and when i call the function text to speach there was nothing to convert. What I found a problem cause i reach the top of tokens between context, response and promt, i guess, that is cause in the assistent chat text box i just get no text content more than the symbol {

I see there is a new update. Great support man..