lucullusTheOnly / MMM-SMP-Simple-Music-Player

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What is default music file folder? #1

Open timbuktu031 opened 4 years ago

timbuktu031 commented 4 years ago

What is default music file folder? and How to make music playlist file?

lucullusTheOnly commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the late answer.

There is no default music folder. You need to provide the path for your songs with the folders config value. These paths are then scanned by the module for compatible audio files. I now see, that the description of the config value is ambiguous in the readme file. I will change that.

About the playlist files: I created a playlist file with the VLC Player as m3u file. Make sure, that the paths in there are the ones, that you have on your system. I created the files on a different computer and then replaced the leading path parts with the correct ones on the raspberry pi. But you can also use the VLC Player directly on the target system. Then it should work directly. Have a look at this sample:

#EXTINF:306,Artist - Title

I get a similar output, when creating a m3u playlist file via the VLC player on my ubuntu PC.

Then put your m3u files in the playlists folder of the module (MagicMirror/modules/MMM-SMP-Simple-Music-Player/public/playlists/). The module will read this folder on initialization (when the MagicMirror site is loaded the first time after startup).