I have changed on the completion code how the turning was calculated, giving the robot more turning range allowing it to go faster cause it can correct faster. Instead of doing vleft/right + error/vleft/right i changed it to vleft/right + error/vleft/right * vleft/right/2 this is because at higher speeds the robot could not turn fast enough because of error/vright/left so i multiplied it by half the vleft/right
(left/right) is used in this document meaning both motors. The code only has vLeft and vRight.
i have also changed where the robot was following the line, it was at half the robots vision, i made it closer(95) making the robot follow the line more closely.
So it dont work lol
maybe try reverting the field of view back to normal.
robot goes off course about halfway through core, and pretty much immediately on completion
I have changed on the completion code how the turning was calculated, giving the robot more turning range allowing it to go faster cause it can correct faster. Instead of doing vleft/right + error/vleft/right i changed it to vleft/right + error/vleft/right * vleft/right/2 this is because at higher speeds the robot could not turn fast enough because of error/vright/left so i multiplied it by half the vleft/right
(left/right) is used in this document meaning both motors. The code only has vLeft and vRight.
i have also changed where the robot was following the line, it was at half the robots vision, i made it closer(95) making the robot follow the line more closely.