lucy-musicalfish / CodingForDucks

ENGR101 Project 3 Team 23
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Meeting Notes / Challenge Ideas #28

Open lucy-musicalfish opened 4 years ago

lucy-musicalfish commented 4 years ago

MEETING 7.30PM SUNDAY 14 JUNE Present: Lucy, Liam, Toby

Idea 1: detect both sides; if red on left side, go right, if red on right side, go left. Use a bunch of if/or/else statments, minimum of 5 probably. if (red on left) go right else if(red on right) go left else if(no red) ??? else go straight.

idea 2: Right hand to the wall. make a wall follower algorithm, that will follow the left or right hand wall of the maze. The maze is "simply connected", meaning if the robot simply followed one wall, it will eventually find the exit. Found a few stackoverflow links that could be useful, and would help to write the algorithm, these are posted in the discord server. Using a wall follower style of algorithm could potentially be our best option, but due to the software architect not being present at the meeting, we were unable to test these ideas, as we didn't know where to start on writing the actual code.

Aim to have all code finished by tuesday, wednesday at the latest, to keep commits down for the last 3 days of the project.

any further ideas, comment below.

StephenThessman commented 4 years ago

Sounded like a productive night in the meeting will read the wall following algorithm pages now.

StephenThessman commented 4 years ago

Made the robot follow the left side of the wall. Needs work on how to get round a U turn though