lucyllewy / macOS-Linux-VM-with-Rosetta

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How can I reinstall this VM? #10

Open ryan-si opened 2 years ago

ryan-si commented 2 years ago

Hello, where can I locate the file it creates? I want to reinstall this VM. Thank you.

vysecurity commented 2 years ago

Delete it from Containers

beiriannydd commented 2 years ago

by which, vysecurity means: rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/com.diddledani.RosettaVM-63JE575Q9W/Data/RosettaVM.bundle

Luciman848484 commented 1 year ago

Please help me I accidentally clicked on something that was not a iso and now it won't open again, I tried delete the file from containers, but it didn't create anything

wwtaopix commented 1 year ago

I have found that removing the Folder RosettaVM from ~/Library/Containers/ worked and allowed me to specify the ISO again.