I just came to inform you that the Out-IniFile function is missing in the uninstall file.
# #
# One Script WSL2 Systemd uninstall script #
# #
Uninstalling systemd enablement from Ubuntu
Uninstalling GnuPG
Nenhum pacote instalado foi encontrado que corresponda aos critérios de entrada.
Reverting WSL to the Microsoft-provided kernel
Out-IniFile: C:\Users\USER\OneDrive\script-completo\Systemd-WSL\uninstall.ps1:256
Line |
256 | Out-IniFile $wslconfig "$env:USERPROFILE/.wslconfig"
| ~~~~~~~~~~~
| The term 'Out-IniFile' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program. Check
| the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
I found the function in the setup-agent-services.ps1 file from lines 82-106
I just came to inform you that the Out-IniFile function is missing in the uninstall file.
I found the function in the setup-agent-services.ps1 file from lines 82-106
Thank you for the good work.