lucys0 / awe

Waypoint-Based Imitation Learning for Robotic Manipulation
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You should change simple demo. #8

Open tomo120717 opened 1 month ago

tomo120717 commented 1 month ago


Thank you for codes. I could not conduct your next codes.

pip install waypoint-extraction
import waypoint_extraction as awe
waypoints = awe.extract_waypoints(states, err_threshold)

I found this page to install waypoint-extraction. This page's instruction and upper one are different.

pip install robot-awe
from robot_awe import extract_waypoints
waypoints = extract_waypoints(states, err_threshold)

You should change this page one.

Thank you.

henry0922 commented 2 days ago

Indeed, that is the case. The user manual is not informative and provides no reference value, as it fails to explain what the given parameters are.