lucysrausch / hoverboard-firmware-hack

New Hoverboard Firmware Hack. Now written from scratch and generally much better.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Sinusoidal control of PMSM #33

Closed r2aiv closed 4 years ago

r2aiv commented 6 years ago

Hi Niklas! What do you think about rework your project to sinusoidal control of PMSM? This may be enhance motor torque and speed, and motor will works better! I want to rework your project to this, but have some questions about scooter PCB and your code. Can you help me? How i can contact you over email?

LeoDJ commented 6 years ago

You can ask the questions here as well, or even better in the Telegram Group. That way, more people that knows about the details can help you as well.

oskarlove commented 6 years ago

Hi. Any progress in this?

I think sinusoidal commutation is necessary to get the same smooth drive as the original firmware. I get a "cogging" noise when driving with heavy load. And I get loud vibrations on some speeds.

btsimonh commented 6 years ago

yep; just competed implementation of original sensor drive; the hoverboard now works again as a 'hoverboard'; but it does 'grind' a bit.

EFeru commented 5 years ago

@btsimonh are you still active on this topic? I saw in your repository that you did something on sinusoidal control. Is that functional?

btsimonh commented 5 years ago

no, but looking for someone with a brain :). Repos at I really want to have very slow control. Theory says that PID control should be able to achieve 6mm, but it's a lot more sloppy than that at the moment. Repos updated today....

EFeru commented 5 years ago

@btsimonh Ok. Because I am working on improving the motor control right now. It looks promising until now. I decided to do it, because I see the commutation method from Niklas vibrates a lot. I am a Control Engineer and that is not acceptable in my opinion. I hope in like about 2 weeks to have something that I can publish.

By the way, I also flashed your modification. I wanted to re-enable the hoverboard mode. However, I did not manage to make the motherboard read the child boards. Maybe I have a different board than you do... I admit, I did not spend time on debugging. At the moment I am using the repository from Niklas. After I finish with motor control I will have another look on your implementation. Do you know what is diferent in the Repo compared to yours?

btsimonh commented 5 years ago

we moved my to bipropellant as the other two were doing more dev than me :) .... and split the repo to have a sub-repo for the protocol aspects (because we anticipate using it in the controllers as well...). Note this issue - @lalalandrus is also trying to get the sensor boards to talk to an STM based board. Seems he now has lights, but the sensor data interpretation or usart code is not yet functional on STM based boards. Checked mine last night with latest master branches, and it's fine, but I have a YST GD32 based board. (build with platformio and specifically build the hoverboard env). The BLDC does 'grind' a bit, and I also get some 'clicks' in use, worrying but they do not adversely affect operation as a hoverboard. Looking forward to your thoughts and implementation!

EFeru commented 5 years ago

Quick response :) thanks. Yes, I have an STM board (STM32F103RCT6 on the main board) and GD32 on the child boards I think (I don't have the board with me right now). Would be nice if @lalalandrus could fix the communication issue on STM32 boards. Then we could combine the new control with your implementation. I think it should be very close to the orginal firmware in terms of noise and performance but with much more flexibility.

lalalandrus commented 5 years ago

fine! just so happens i fixed it an hour ago though it is a sweeping change, ill upload it to my fork only and @btsimonh can have a look to see if he wants a pull, it fixes having to send the LED's twice too @EmanuelFeru can you implement the field weakening too i have a hoverkart and i want to reach at least 35km/h

EFeru commented 5 years ago

@lalalandrus Great! I would like to try it. Because do you know what I did to save the orginal firmware? I ordered few STM32 chips on ebay Then I desoldered the original STM32 and resolder the empty one... actually it was a good idea because I can go revert the board whenever I want. Maybe I should make a video or something because it came out quite nice.

And yes, field weakening will be definitely there :) as I want to reach high speeds as well (if needed) because I might use these motors for other applications (as a motor to spin some other stuff). Let's keep in touch, I will come back to you with updates.

lalalandrus commented 5 years ago

btw i too am controls engineer

EFeru commented 5 years ago

Cool, then we can exchange some ideas if I get stuck somewhere

btsimonh commented 5 years ago

haha! 'desoldered the original STM32' - I took a software approach and tried to apply the hacks on the STM debug interface to extract it, but seems the GD32/STM32F103 are not susceptable :(.

EFeru commented 5 years ago

yeah, I went the hard way... haha, a bit of work and risk but luckly it worked. I read somewhere that code can be extracted, that whould be a more elegant solution. Is a pitty that it cannot be extracted :(

lalalandrus commented 5 years ago

ok check my repo now, grab the new config.h again to get the proper baud rate too

p-h-a-i-l commented 5 years ago

@EmanuelFeru Did you have a look at for BLDC? When I made an overview of different branches some time ago, this was the one with most modifications in the BLDC part. Didn't have the time to look deeper, but you can see keywords like sonsorless in the code.

EFeru commented 5 years ago

► @lalalandrus Thanks. I will try it these days. My baud rate is a strange one 32100 bps. ► @p-h-a-i-l I have seen that repo but did not dive into it. Maybe they use better protection algorithms to protect the system. So, I think is worth having a look. However, I see they still use the commutation method (in bldc.c file), so I expect more or less similar griding noise. I will check it out.

lalalandrus commented 5 years ago

that is really odd , i know you likely checked but what is your pulse width

EFeru commented 5 years ago

hmm... if I rember correctly is was something around 31 us which leads to ~32100 bps I roughly measured it with an oscilloscope. But I am sure is working because I sent data with a blue Pill 9 bits at 32100 bps and the motors were spinnig (you know.. the old hack by serial... which I don't recommend because balancing controller is in the loop).

lalalandrus commented 5 years ago

3.1 doesnt seem right ~ 23000 is 38us

EFeru commented 5 years ago

31 us sorry. So 1/(31us) =~ 32100 bps somewhere there

btsimonh commented 5 years ago


ok check my repo now, grab the new config.h again to get the proper baud rate too

looking good. Surprised it ever worked with the bug in USART_sensor_addTXshort! pop in a PR and I'll test on mine this evening....

lalalandrus commented 5 years ago

Would be cool if we had vector control which would get field weakening and precise rpm control at the same time. We should also move the implementation discussion over to the other fork so we not spamming unrelated forks and reviving year old zombie threads 🤣

EFeru commented 5 years ago


Vector control like FOC, indeed would be nice, however I think we will reach the STM32F1 Series computational limitations, since we need to run the algorithm at 100 kHz and plus some additional code for balancing controller or other calculations. STM32F4 series are much more capable but they are not in the hoverboard. About moving the discussion to other fork... Do you know how to do it? I am still new in github. I am more used to svn.

btsimonh commented 5 years ago

@EmanuelFeru - just continue it here: or start a new issue about BLDC improvements by going to that repo and clicking 'new issue' :).

EFeru commented 5 years ago

Aa ok. Thanks!

EFeru commented 5 years ago

Sinusoidal control implemented here:

FOC control implemented here:
