ludenio / UE4Cardboard

Not official UE4 plugin for very basic support of the Cardboard like VR viewers
MIT License
71 stars 20 forks source link

Xcode build problem #14

Closed vivalavladislav closed 8 years ago

vivalavladislav commented 8 years ago

Hi, guys

Trying to integrate your plugin to XCode project fails. As far as integration to uproject went well and I've managed to get it somehow working on Android device, integration to code didn't. After I opened my Xcode project with your plugin and tried to compile it I've got

ERROR: Rocket: No modules found to build?

Whole trace could be found here :

Waiting for your help :)

vivalavladislav commented 8 years ago

After building all the schemes step by step I managed to compile and run everything :)