ludiazv / octocitrico

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Problems with webcam and HAProxy #22

Open JargoV opened 2 years ago

JargoV commented 2 years ago

I can't manage my camera "Logitech C170" to run on OPi PC

pi@citrico-opipc:~$ systemctl status webcamd.service
● webcamd.service - the OctoPi webcam daemon with the user specified config
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/webcamd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2022-04-20 16:48:21 UTC; 2min 53s ago
    Process: 1320 ExecStart=/root/bin/webcamd (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 1367 (mjpg_streamer)
      Tasks: 2 (limit: 2065)
     Memory: 984.0K
        CPU: 270ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/webcamd.service
             └─1367 ./mjpg_streamer -o -w ./www-octopi -n --listen -i -r 1024x768 -d /dev/video1
pi@citrico-opipc:~$ sudo journalctl -u webcamd.service

I need to start manually the webcamd.service even it is enabled in scripts/citrico-config But i still have error "Webcam stream not loaded" LED on webcam isn't lit

Also i can't establish connection with Octoprint on web browser without typing port 5000 because the HAProxy won't work:

pi@citrico-opipc:~$ systemctl status haproxy.service
● haproxy.service - HAProxy Load Balancer
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/haproxy.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2022-04-20 17:08:40 UTC; 25s ago
       Docs: man:haproxy(1)
    Process: 1813 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/haproxy -f $CONFIG -c -q $EXTRAOPTS (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
        CPU: 43ms
pi@citrico-opipc:~$ sudo journalctl -u haproxy.service
Journal file /var/log/journal/f9e625e74d4d4da38d1b700f20eef421/system.journal is truncated, ignoring file.
-- Journal begins at Sat 2022-03-26 13:38:38 UTC, ends at Wed 2022-04-20 17:10:03 UTC. --
Mar 26 13:39:15 citrico-opipc systemd[1]: Starting HAProxy Load Balancer...
Mar 26 13:39:16 citrico-opipc haproxy[1559]: [ALERT] 084/133916 (1559) : parsing [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:25] : 'bind :::443' : unable to load certificate from file '/etc/ssl/snakeoil.pem'.
Mar 26 13:39:16 citrico-opipc haproxy[1559]: [ALERT] 084/133916 (1559) : parsing [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:35] : The 'reqrep' directive is not supported anymore since HAProxy 2.1. Use 'http-request r>
Mar 26 13:39:16 citrico-opipc haproxy[1559]: [ALERT] 084/133916 (1559) : parsing [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:36] : The 'reqadd' directive is not supported anymore since HAProxy 2.1. Use 'http-request a>
Mar 26 13:39:16 citrico-opipc haproxy[1559]: [ALERT] 084/133916 (1559) : parsing [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:37] : The 'reqadd' directive is not supported anymore since HAProxy 2.1. Use 'http-request a>
Mar 26 13:39:16 citrico-opipc haproxy[1559]: [ALERT] 084/133916 (1559) : parsing [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:43] : The 'reqrep' directive is not supported anymore since HAProxy 2.1. Use 'http-request r>
Mar 26 13:39:16 citrico-opipc haproxy[1559]: [ALERT] 084/133916 (1559) : Error(s) found in configuration file : /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
Mar 26 13:39:16 citrico-opipc haproxy[1559]: [ALERT] 084/133916 (1559) : Fatal errors found in configuration.
Mar 26 13:39:16 citrico-opipc systemd[1]: haproxy.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Mar 26 13:39:16 citrico-opipc systemd[1]: haproxy.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Mar 26 13:39:16 citrico-opipc systemd[1]: Failed to start HAProxy Load Balancer.

I'm using latest release v22-02-1

JargoV commented 2 years ago

Ok, problems with HAProxy gone after editing /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg and paste this config

Camera still not work, but when i plug PS Eye camera it works like a charm /video3 PS Eye /video1 C170

Apr 21 18:30:53 citrico-opipc systemd[1]: Started the OctoPi webcam daemon with the user specified config.
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc systemd[1]: Stopping the OctoPi webcam daemon with the user specified config...
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc systemd[1]: webcamd.service: Succeeded.
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc systemd[1]: Stopped the OctoPi webcam daemon with the user specified config.
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc systemd[1]: Starting the OctoPi webcam daemon with the user specified config...
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3027]: MJPG-streamer [3027]: starting application
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3027]: MJPG-streamer [3027]: MJPG Streamer Version.: 2.0
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3027]: MJPG-streamer [3027]: Using V4L2 device.: /dev/video1
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3027]: MJPG-streamer [3027]: Desired Resolution: 1024 x 768
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3027]: MJPG-streamer [3027]: Frames Per Second.: -1
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3027]: MJPG-streamer [3027]: Format............: JPEG
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3027]: MJPG-streamer [3027]: TV-Norm...........: DEFAULT
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3027]: MJPG-streamer [3027]: www-folder-path......: ./www-octopi/
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3027]: MJPG-streamer [3027]: HTTP TCP port........: 8080
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3027]: MJPG-streamer [3027]: HTTP Listen Address..:
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3027]: MJPG-streamer [3027]: username:password....: disabled
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3027]: MJPG-streamer [3027]: commands.............: disabled
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3027]: MJPG-streamer [3027]: starting input plugin
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3027]: MJPG-streamer [3027]: starting output plugin: (ID: 00)
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3027]: MJPG-streamer [3027]: Can't enable video in first time
Apr 21 18:32:28 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3027]: MJPG-streamer [3027]: cleaning up resources allocated by input thread
Apr 21 18:32:29 citrico-opipc systemd[1]: Started the OctoPi webcam daemon with the user specified config.
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc systemd[1]: Stopping the OctoPi webcam daemon with the user specified config...
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc systemd[1]: webcamd.service: Succeeded.
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc systemd[1]: Stopped the OctoPi webcam daemon with the user specified config.
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc systemd[1]: Starting the OctoPi webcam daemon with the user specified config...
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3076]: MJPG-streamer [3076]: starting application
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3076]: MJPG-streamer [3076]: MJPG Streamer Version.: 2.0
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3076]: MJPG-streamer [3076]: Using V4L2 device.: /dev/video3
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3076]: MJPG-streamer [3076]: Desired Resolution: 1024 x 768
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3076]: MJPG-streamer [3076]: Frames Per Second.: 1
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3076]: MJPG-streamer [3076]: Format............: YUYV
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3076]: MJPG-streamer [3076]: JPEG Quality......: 80
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3076]: MJPG-streamer [3076]: TV-Norm...........: DEFAULT
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3076]: MJPG-streamer [3076]: www-folder-path......: ./www-octopi/
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3076]: MJPG-streamer [3076]: HTTP TCP port........: 8080
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3076]: MJPG-streamer [3076]: HTTP Listen Address..:
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3076]: MJPG-streamer [3076]: username:password....: disabled
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3076]: MJPG-streamer [3076]: commands.............: disabled
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3076]: MJPG-streamer [3076]: starting input plugin
Apr 21 18:33:27 citrico-opipc mjpg_streamer[3076]: MJPG-streamer [3076]: starting output plugin: (ID: 00)
Apr 21 18:33:28 citrico-opipc systemd[1]: Started the OctoPi webcam daemon with the user specified config.

I tried differnt parameters and i still can't get it to work.

dzikk commented 2 years ago


do you have a copy of this file? [haproxy.2.x.cfg] because is not available

JargoV commented 1 year ago


        maxconn 4096
        user haproxy
        group haproxy
        log /dev/log local1 debug
        tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048

        log     global
        mode    http
        compression algo gzip
        option  httplog
        option  dontlognull
        retries 3
        option redispatch
        option http-server-close
        option forwardfor
        maxconn 2000
        timeout connect 5s
        timeout client  15m
        timeout server  15m

frontend public
        bind :::80 v4v6
        bind :::443 v4v6 ssl crt /etc/ssl/snakeoil.pem
        option forwardfor except
        use_backend webcam if { path_beg /webcam/ }
        use_backend webcam_hls if { path_beg /hls/ }
        use_backend webcam_hls if { path_beg /jpeg/ }
        default_backend octoprint

backend octoprint
        acl needs_scheme req.hdr_cnt(X-Scheme) eq 0

        http-request replace-path ^([^\ :]*)\ /(.*) \1\ /\2
        http-request add-header X-Scheme https if needs_scheme { ssl_fc }
        http-request add-header X-Scheme http if needs_scheme !{ ssl_fc }
        option forwardfor
        server octoprint1
        errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/503-no-octoprint.http

backend webcam
        http-request replace-path /webcam/(.*) /\1
        server webcam1
        errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/503-no-webcam.http

backend webcam_hls
        server webcam_hls_1
        errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/503-no-webcam-hls.http
ludiazv commented 1 year ago

For camera configuration check this resource: HA proxy fix is implemented and will be ready in the next release.