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Issues getting webcam to work on OrangePi 3 LTS. #36

Closed murmlei closed 1 year ago

murmlei commented 1 year ago


I am trying to get the webcam/timelapse to work on an OrangePi 3 LTS, I am using a Logitech C920.

I am unable to turn the WebCam Streamer on by using sudo scripts/citrico-config.

I have modified octopi.txt as follows: camera="usb" camera_usb_option="-r 1920x1080 -f 30" All other options I have left untouched.

I have also ran the commands from this comment:

Despite all of this, OctoPrint says the webcam server is currently not running.

Attached are screenshots of other troubleshooting I have done. Any help regarding this is appreciated and please ask me to provide any additional information you need. Either way a big thank you for creating the boot image. webcam1 webcam2 webcam3

ludiazv commented 1 year ago

WebCam service changed with in recent versions of octopi. Commands in #9 are not sufficient now. Another service must be started called streamer_select.service which is disabled by default. Run pi/scripts/citrico-config and enable webcam service and reboot. This service will on every boot active webcamd or hls_streamer (experimental) on each boot based on the configuration file.

A quick fix is also to create the file that webcamd service needs to start: sudo touch /etc/octopi_streamer/mjpeg

murmlei commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the advice. For some reason I can't figure out how to turn on the streamer_select.service through the citrico-config. Any navigational key I hit just changes between the listed items or 'OK' and 'Cancel', pressing enter just turns on all the features already turned on.

With the sudo touch /etc/octopi_streamer/mjpeg I get a 'cannot touch '/etc/octopi_streamer/mjpeg': No such file or directory.

ludiazv commented 1 year ago

does /etc/octopi_streamer directory exists? Create it if not and then run the touch command

murmlei commented 1 year ago

I created the /etc/octopi_streamer directory and ran the touch command, but still in OctoPrint I'm getting an error of the server not running.

murmlei commented 1 year ago

I have managed to start the service, which I can confirm from the citrico-config tool. Unfortunately the webcam is still not showing up.

ludiazv commented 1 year ago

Can you provide the logs of webcamd.service? Is this service enabled?

Also check #11. As in some cases you have to modify boot.txt with correct video device with the option -d in camera_usb_option

murmlei commented 1 year ago

It works now!

I looked at the webcam.service logs and it seemed like it was trying to find the camera in the wrong place.

Changing camera_usb_options="-d /dev/video1 -r 1920x1080 -f 30" in octopi.txt seemed to make it work now.

Thank you very much for all your help!