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No wifi device available on OrangePi 3 LTS (v23.08-1) #44

Open imclerran opened 5 months ago

imclerran commented 5 months ago

I have been unable to get WiFi working thus far - I have entered wifi network details using nmtui, However the device will not connect to the network. This appears to be because there are no wireless network adapters available. Here is the output for nmcli device status:

$ nmcli device status
DEVICE  TYPE      STATE                   CONNECTION         
end0    ethernet  connected               Wired connection 1 
lo      loopback  connected (externally)  lo 

As you can see, we have no wireless devices listed. Is there a way to enable the wireless network adapter? Has anyone else had success with wifi in the latest. build?

ludiazv commented 5 months ago

Seems that armbian armbian 23.08 has problems with wifi in this borad. I think is solved in 23.11.

I plan however release a new version 24.02 during this month.